Huge bug with the Nighthold Mythic druid transmog. I have 8/9 pieces across my warband Blizzard refuses to fix it despite me opening up a ticket and submitting the bug. only about 5 pieces show up in appearances that I acquired through my warband so I know I don’t specifically need to acquire this on my druid maybe I’m wrong but I need help. My character looks like a dork without the shoulder pieces.
At this point, stuff is still class-locked, so if you got druid-tagged shoulders on a non-druid, you won’t have that appearance unlocked for you. That’ll be changing with the anniversary patch though.
To add to this (pertinent section is highlighted):
- Non-cosmetic class restricted gear can now have its appearance collected by other classes. This change will be retroactive to any gear currently your bank or inventory.
So if you still have current class-restricted gear in your inventory, hold on to them until patch hits.
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