Mythic+ Needs Reworked

Here are a few highlights:

  • It intentionally misrepresents what Ion actually said
  • Uses what the general manager says when discussing Blizzard’s position on several items
  • Uses data from +16 keys when discussing the challenge of obtaining KSM and portals
  • Compares data from the last season of one expansion from six years prior to the first season of another
  • Ignores a massive QOL update in the middle of one season that resulted in a mid-season increase when comparing to the steady decline of a different season without such an update

I could add a few more if you’d like, but I think this should demonstrate my point. The article moves from one bad faith take to another, likely in an attempt to generate clicks.

Good for them. Read it yourself if you want. Refer back to my previous post (that you claimed was too long) for even more details on these points. It’s a poorly written article that cherry picks data, compares apples to oranges, and is just a bad faith attempt to paint M+ in a worse light than it is in. Shame on wowhead for covering it. I can’t really blame YT content creators since their entire business revolves around hyperbolic takes and clickbait as well.

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