Mythic+ needs more rewards in DF

I’m not talking gear, I’m talking prestige awards.

Put your pitchforks down, raiders.

More titles/achievements/mounts/appearances

If we use season 3 as an example:

900 - achievement
1850 - achievement/title
2000 - achievement
2500 - achievement/mount
3000 - portals/achievement
3679 - 0.1title/achievement

Between 3000 and 3679 (in season 3) there’s not much to aim for other than just pushing IO.

There should be something (Blizzard read: elite set) between KSH and 0.1%

It takes alot of dedication, dungeon knowledge and mechanical skill to hit the top 0.1% and I 100% agree with their achievements being recognised. 3679 io is all timed +26s (or higher?)

Anyone that has pushed IO realises the WORK that takes to get to that point. That isn’t just jump into some 15, then do some 20s then go to 27s. That’s literally hundreds of hours of grind, of perfecting their runs, their cooldowns, learning every little trick and skip that exists.

So 100%, they’ve earnt their rewards and I don’t want to lessen that. Tbh I think they should get more, a mount akin to the gladiator mounts, but I digress.

However M+ is exceedingly popular, there is a lot of players - like me for example, I’m @ 2507 IO who are sort of stuck in a no man’s land of 0 rewards

There’s 45,000 characters in EU and 43,000 characters in US currently above 2100 io - the top 10%.

Near 100,000 characters(excluding China (even if that’s 50,00-75,000 actually players)) are stuck in the no man’s land, they (we) clearly like M+ but even statically not everyone can reach that 0.1% it’s obviously a mathematically impossibility.

0.1% right now in season 4 is @ 2823 io that’s only going to grow and grow.

Even with a good week next week I could hit 2600 IO, but the race is already on and I’m waaaaay behind, does that mean I won’t try? No, I’m going to gun for it this season - but the likelihood is seeming very slim.

I’m not under any illusions that I am of the same calibre of the current season 2800IO players. As I’m sure the majority of the other 9.9% of the top 10% who play M+ for fun probably realise, but it would be nice for them (me) to have something to work towards.

Inb4: delete M+, stop catering to the top X%, M+ should give no gear, etc etc


Bumping this because I think it has some validity

Update: the top 0.1% is now 2929 io, it’s increased by over 100 pts in 8 days.

My current Io is 2607, it’s practically impossible for me to catch up. A 300 io gap is gigantic. Which is fine, I new it wasn’t going to be very likely I could hit that elite 0.1% of players. But now what? I’ll keep pushing because I enjoy M+ but it would be nice to have some further goals.

To reiterate what I think the rewards for s1
DF should look like (using this seasons ilvl for reference):

Timed 15 = portal/288ilvl drop/304ilvl vault
All timed 15 = Ksm mount
Timed 20 = 298ilvl drop
All Timed 20 = Title/transmog set
Timed 25 = 304ilvl drop/311vault
All timed 25 = tabard
Top 0.1% 1% seasonal title

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As someone who doesnt realy do m+ I have no problem with that . I think though that each type of content should have fit for purpose gear . For example M+ gear should come with bonuses that work only in M+ , raid gear with raid bonuses , PvP gear with PvP only bonuses and world content with bonuses that only work in teh open world


thanks man you made it easier for me

id love to see elite sets
id actually push m+ way more often

Maybe swap where I listed tabard/mog set.

20s are achievable for the vast majority, 25s maybe not so much.

I mean the PvP elite set is only @ 1800 which is a fair low bar so whatever the M+ equivalent would be


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I agree with this. Part of my disdain for M+ while feeling like it’s required to raid is the only real reward is power. I put a lot more time and interest in CMs back in the day because especially those MoP sets are incredible. Modern day M+ is just the same gear over and over again.

I’d be more interested in running it more for its own merit instead of just for raiding if there were better and more rewards.

At the very least don’t make the seasonal mount a crappy reskin of some old mount then use the same mount but reskinned the whole damn expansion. That was freaking stupid

Sure, but make them so anybody can easily acquire them afterwards, just like raid titles.

Nah, it’s fine as it is. We don’t need a million tiers of crap only .01% of WoW players will strive for.


Raiding gear drop rates needs to be brought up in DF

You bumped your 8 day old thread? M+ doesn’t need any more rewards.

It is 5 man dungeon content for Pete sakes! How many welfare rewards do you guys need?

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More rewards are always good,

Currently the only additional rewards are for the literal 0.1%, I want more rewards to capture a large portion of the playerbase,

If we’re talking > than 3k io in S3 we’re talking 200,000 characters in US/EU

Just because you don’t like the content doesn’t mean other people do

Even if that’s 100,000 people I’m sure they would appreciate some extra rewards that are very low effort in blizz behalf - recoloured armour, title and a tabard.

It’s not 2004 anymore.

M+ is a viable end game. A lot of people only play M+ Including myself.

Aside from Mythic raiding, from a character progression stand point it’s the premier pve content.

Giving those people extra goals isn’t a bad thing.

They’re more akin to gladiator titles, and they aren’t accessible after the season.

Same with the hof titles.

I don’t think the M+ seasonal rewards should be either


I really like this and the reward structures. That 0.1% title is actually insanely more exclusive than anyone who gets cutting edge so “nerfing” the requirements I think makes a lot of sense.

I’d also like to see them buff the difficulty of lower keys and have the higher key scaling tapered a bit more above 20’s. That way doing a 15 means something again but a 25 would be relatively similar to it is now.

You got enough rewards and goals. M+ is way too lucrative for 5 man dungeon content.


Which is why they need to buff lower keys. These raiders that stroll in and are used to getting carried will find they can’t do 15’s anymore and won’t run around the forums claiming it’s too lucrative and dismissing it as an endgame pillar that doesn’t deserve prestige rewards.

I think the portals part should be more accessible for everyone. Just seems like a QoL feature that would benefit the rest of the playerbase

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no they don’t - they are some of the most heavily rewarded content in this game

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More FOMO isn’t the answer.


100% it’s super exclusive, even nerfing it to 1% currently is only 10,000 people. The top 0.1% is literally less than 1000 characters.

I would too, but you’d have to consider the effect on raiders who use it to help gear for heroic raiding. They already are upset they have to do it at all, I don’t want them further upset because now it’s “too hard”

I do think +15 right now is abit of a joke, and for its difficulty it awards waaaay higher gear than it should.

But I’m also mindful of the more casual key runners who deserve nice gear too

M+ is the future like it or not, there is already talk from devs about buffing item level for higher keys. I imagine we’ll see this in s1DF

I just want some drip to go with it

Portals should be @ 15s or even 10s, they’re just nice to have.

They should also be account wide and not have the ridiculous 7 hour CD or whatever it is, even if it does reset on completion.

It should be 30 min CD max


for each 20 completed, earn an additional appendage for your character. by season’s end, your character will resemble medusa