Mythic+ Loot Changes

Speaking of itemization, the Castle Narthia loot table is severely lacking in secondary stat combos.

For example shamans (mail) have 5 slots that the raid only has 1 secondary stat combination for.

It only has 3 rings. Etc.

So BiS will be a mix of both.


Haha I missed this post when I just commented again.

Right now BiS will likely be mixed between them.

Is that good? Who knows.

It’s more likely “here are the items, go forth and play however you want.”

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And it will depend somewhat on your class/spec’s stat weights, too. Some classes have their stats very evenly balanced with each other, so between those weights and the DR changes, there may be very small deltas between different gear sets in SL.

Of course, there’s also some classes for whom Mastery is the plague, or Haste is the only meaningful stat, and so on. And they won’t experience the same gearing situation.

Yep, but that isn’t anything new.

Since titanforging is gone though I expect actual BiS lists will start emerging once SL launches so it will be interesting to see where all the gear sources come from.

I’m always torn if the raids/dungeons/PvP should always offer every stat combo or is that even more generic and boring than what we have now?

A part of me wishes every season they completely redid the mythic+ loot table to keep things interesting instead of farming the same item just 30 item levels higher.

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I just want them to put reforging back in the game.

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They should make enchants that change secondary stats, without making the gear any stronger.

I know lets add affixes to Raids, we’ll call them Raid+

So item level is king if you can change the stats?

Ion claims he wants ilvl to reflect the strength of gear, anyway. Letting people choose their secondaries would just make that true - not to mention empowering people to make their own choices about their characters.

Ion says a lot of things…

Making players no longer care about the actual stats on an item and just the item level (originally a behind the scenes number to gauge stat budget) because they could swap it to whatever they want sounds…anti-climatic.

Thats why reforging was ok, you could only reforge so much.

First off, blizzard definitely screwed PvP’ers but loot changes to mythic + was a bandaid for the PvP community. I am one that mostly got geared through mythic + from legion and BFA. Mythic + was the only form of unlimited gear with no reset, especially with Titan forging gone, once you get the gear you want from a 15 weekly chest. You don’t need that again till more content gets released.

This might actually make a true BIS list for gear, I think this change was just to slow down mythic + gearing which has been out of hand for a long time now

Meh, it’s minor. M+ and mythic raids will still be about the same.

M+15 will award heroic raid ilvl, and weekly chest will be mythic raid ilvl. The only thing higher is the final 2 bosses, which are only 7 ilvl higher, that is not make or break.

People keep saying this… doesn’t necessarily make it true

Below (minimum H raid ilvl), significantly below end of H Raid ilvl.

Edit: With the addition of Raid to “Great Vault”, it boils down to two systems being weekly dependent on loot boxing, and one system having nothing to work towards within the week - the other having very clear loot targeting and high chances within the week for power upgrades. Power will scale wildly differently between the systems (read: Raid gearing mathematically dunks on everything else)

Don’t see how it will mathematically still be about the same. But, I guess at this point… We’ll go into it and just watch an unbelievably unfriendly environment for the non-raiding populace, even at the highest ranks of PvP and M+. Is what it is I guess, despite Blizz’s antithetical messaging

Wait 'til they see the drastic decrease in WoW Token sales. Boosts or carries for Gold is common in every aspect of the game. These changes really nuke the M+ carry desire for both the boosters and the person paying for it. When the higher ups see the financial loss, you can bet this will change.

The company is profitable with the subscriptions alone, but what puts them into the real money is the WoW Token, and I would love to see when they confront Ion.

The last 2 bosses in Mythic Nathria drop ilvl 233.
M+15 weekly chest will have ilvl 226.

7 ilvl is not make or break on the 1-3 pieces of gear you might get from the last 2 bosses.

I am confused here … I thought we knew for sure at this point what the ilvl drops are going to be?

The bottom line here is that M+15 will still get you heroic raid loot, and weekly chest will be mythic raid loot. How is this a problem?

You really think people aren’t going to want to buy carries to keep getting the weekly mythic level loot? And some will be trying to get to the 2 choice option. Plus the carry sellers will be able to get 3 choices every week, so they’ll really be motivated.

this has been a game directed towards end game. It was only in BC that PVPers got some real gear and were able to buy raid gear with out actually raiding. In all honesty PVP and raiding should be separated. you want raid gear then go raid you want PVP gear then go PVP… shouldn’t make it easy for 2 different things

It’s tiring to re-hash this. Raid is now included in the chest. M+ intra-week loot effectively does not exist, raid boss kills are historically ~25% drop chance per kill on personal loot.

Both systems have weekly chest loot
One system has intra-week loot (classifying Loot as powerful enough to be competitive in progression of seasons, instead of clown gear lvls of power). This is the most reduced I can make the entire conversation, and math around it. Without even naming the systems in play, it’s nakedly behaviorally manipulative. Which, to an extent is fine, the discussion here is how out of balance it is. There are solutions, noted above, that can exist for the betterment of the longevity of the game, without artificially wedging players into undesirable content patterns

The issue is the scale of gearing, intra-week raid awards maximally X # of 226, and X # of 233 per player per week. Other systems peak at 210. After a short foray in this, you’ll see Raid geared players casual their way into a dunk fest in every other content system. Which is fine, if there’s a comparable progression system (stated in Blue as design intent) available, which mathematically does not exist in the current game state of Slands

Q&A: Agreed, non endgame progression paths (like dailies, etc) should not award like endgame progression paths. That said, apparently there are 3 endgame progression paths, all I’m seeing is one currently