Mythic Keystone Dungeons Temporarily Disabled [Resolved]

Would you rather have maintenance and bug patches for the next couple of weeks or a buggy piece of crap?

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I mean, yeah. That’s how making a game works.

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same thing . You will have all of that ,and still a buggy piece of crap it is a Activision product after all.

In what way?

If you think total death is the only failure state, you have a low-bar and a severe underestimation of the cost and expected return on investment of development, lol.

see above . Instead of releasing a NON=Bugged product. They release one they have to spend each week fixing things that should have already been addressed in Alpha ,Beta ,Release. If you are going to brown nose them, at least know why.

If you have a problem with Watcher and not Bobby Kotick, your priorities are all sorts of messed up.


You didn’t think it was odd or suspicious that there were no affixes during your first run? :face_with_monocle:


My man have you heard of a single game on the PLANET that hasn’t had bugs when it was released?
It simply isn’t possible to fix everything in an Alpha/Beta there will ALWAYS be bugs

Being jealous of someone’s success is not a good thing

I did, but already spent the keys. What else was I supposed to do. I didn’t break the game. Why should I be penalized for their screw up?

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I am wondering if they are getting the right level loot from the bosses ?? Might be worth a couple of non scored runs for loot only???

People love Freehold yet Harlan has Incorporeal built into his fight (the add almost always just gets hunter trapped or whatever). Apparently it is cool when bosses do it but not when…other bosses do it?

Really hope you ensure the integrity of m+ and remove any and all rewards (including loot, crests/crest fragments/portals/achievements/etc.) from anyone that did dungeons during this buggy timeframe.

Oh probably, but I was responding to someone bent because their no-affix +20 runs “didn’t count”.

You can use more than one at once? idk, just seems off to me that you’re all rabble rabble because your +20s “didn’t count”, but were more than happy to jump in and (try to?) take advantage of the glitch of no affixes. :man_shrugging:


Just like they did with Artisans rep in 10.0.2 and barter bricks in 10.1, right!?

How petty are you my guy lol. Oh no someone might have gotten a high item lvl piece of gear and some fragments!!! Your day is RUINED!

Dude, ffs. I didn’t think about it. I didn’t know it was broken. I haven’t done much Mythics this season, and I know there were changes made. I put the time in. Stop being a dick, ok? I mean, really, is it that hard not to?

Yeah, most games I get deep into require a pile of reasons to quit, and often times the straw that breaks the camel’s back is something others go “huh???” to.

So I can relate to you almost completely.

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After playing D4 I “realized” it isn’t healthy to feel like the developer is waging psychological warfare against you.

Games should be built to appease the players not the other way around. I’m sick of Ion’s mind games. I’d rather just play something designed to be fun.
