Mythic Keystone Dungeons Temporarily Disabled [Resolved]

This expansion is bleeding subs so this take is big sus. I mean speaking for myself I literally unsubbed so I can’t think of a worse take than saying “people keep playing” lol.


Who’d have thought that wod 2.0 would not work? I for one am shocked.

You unsubbed because they disabled keys for a couple hours on a maintenance day? Ok.

If blizzard raised the sub fee for the first time in 20 years in order to provide those services, I’m sure no one would complain.


D4 is the sux. Slow and boring and their idea of content is doing it over every 3 months.

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All you’re doing is saying your piece to a bunch of forum clowns like me. Blizzard could give 2 unpolished turds about your problems.


And bad Vault. And Catalyst still gated. Ion was on thin ice after D4 came out. It is what it is.

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Hope this gets fixed soon, I am on par to get my KSM(heroic tier piece for this character)

You are right. Let’s hire those old guys back, that didn’t think the vault or catalyst should exist at all.

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Do blues lock their own threads if it devolves into pointless arguments?

The usually do. A lot of off hand responses get stealth deleted

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


I never asked for tier to exist. We were fine with no tier in 9.0 or 9.1.


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That’s just RNG, some vaults are good, others are bad. What are you going to do in Diablo when your legendary items you want won’t drop? Is there a catalyst is Diablo that will give you the legendary or dungeon sets you want on day one?

The catalyst is a bonus to fill out what’s missing, most of our raid team already has a full set, may others are the same. It doesn’t need to be out day one, all that will happens is wasted tier loot on boss drops and vaults, making the problem worse.

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This expansion is bleeding subs, if you think that doesn’t worry upper management you’re kidding yourself.

I don’t have a raid team and only have one piece of tier. I would very much like the catalyst to come out so I can turn one of the 19 pieces of gear I have into tier so I can finally go over ilvl430. It’s really stupid they wait this long.

It’s apparently retaining players better than the last 3 expansions so it must be doing something right.


To play devils advocate , the past 2 expansions seemed to have lowered the bar of expectations so the only way was up for dragonflight :man_shrugging:


I think he’s saying that it was fun to simply run a dungeon that was hard/harder, but not filled with all the extra that affixes bring.

When is the last time we’ve has a dungeon that was difficult?

I enjoy M+ and some of the affixes, but I also wouldn’t mind a week where the dungeon was the challenge.


Hope it is fixed before tonight, I want to try out my new disc build when I get home. I also don’t mind no affixes tbh, if you got rid of them, M+ might be a little boring but still fun enough for me.


IMO DF is the best WoW expansion they’ve ever released >>;


They are already patching Diablo 4 as well with “emergency patches” /sigh

And yet the numbers don’t support that at all.

From what I understand, 10.1 was doing about as poorly as 9.1 (considered to be of the worst patches) and that’s before D4 came out. Now? It is likely apocalyptic. I expect another set of deals for Dragonflight to be announced soon.