Mythic Key Toxicity

I can’t believe how toxic doing mythic keys have become. It’s savage to say the least. One person in the group makes a mistake or doesn’t know something, and either they get yelled at for the rest of the dungeon or people just leave the group screwing over the key holder. I guess that’s the price you pay when you play with randoms. But seriously, blizzard needs to penalize people who purposely try to wreck someone’s key, or leave the dungeon early …

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Not possible sadly because sometimes people have to up snd leave without warning due to kids/pets vomiting/other. I once knocked a full cup of coffee off the desk, theres urgent adult bio, parents/partners requesting you stop for dinner/bed/visitors…electricity/computer issues…

I really don’t wanna know, do I? :no_mouth:

I already have a diminished interest in pve in general because it’s so repetitive and hardly any challenge… enduring the repetition is far more challenging than the content but what sinks it for me is the toxic people this type of content seems to attract. Blizzard can’t do anything about the people so all you can really do is join a guild and hope they’re decent. Odds are low though…

This is why raider io exists