Mythic Jaina Skip needs to be reversible

Currently, due to the Jaina skip that was implemented a month or so ago, people are now trolling transmog runs of Mythic Battle of Dazar’alor and talking to Otoye after a boss or two is killed to skip the raid straight to Jaina, which is currently irreversible and ruins the transmog run. This needs to be changed ASAP, perhaps by making only the raid leader capable of talking to Otoye to initiate the Jaina skip?

Honestly, why wasn’t this change implemented with some foresight to consider this possibility in the first place?


Come on, this is Blizz we’re talking about here. The skip was already a half-assed afterthought, why is it any surprise that they haven’t thought through the consequences?

9.2 patch and this still hasnt been fixed.

Still a problem. Spent time putting together a group for someone to just screw us all over with the skip and there’s nothing any of us can do about it.

This is still a problem, either make it so only raid lead can use the skip or implement a way for this to be reversible.

This is STILL happening in DF. I just got screwed out of a weekly XMOG run on my hunter because of someone trolling. I want to kill the remaining bosses. This is NOT COOL! And no amount of resetting, etc. will let me kill the rest of the bosses. This has completely ruined my day.

At a minimum, the only person who should be able to activate this is the leader of the group, it would at least minimize the trolling.

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Go outside.

Ya…this is still not changed and it blows when trying to form an xmog run after 6 years since BfA came out.

Still a problem.

Best just to 2 or 3 man it until the last boss, than fill it with all the people who only want the mount.

still no fix. just happened in my group. GG everyone’s weekly lockout.

Dazar’alor is now soloable, so if you’re after mog then that’s the best approach to avoid the issue caused by the skip. But yeah, these kinds of things need to be made limited to the raid leader eventually.


Was soloable. They buffed the hp so much people get suck now on mechatorque and goldpile dude now

Just solo it. I know the new patch buffed the HP but it’s still very easy to solo. Now Shadowlands content, that’s another story. That was soloable, now you just can’t do it which is a gd shame.

Still an issue in The War Within.

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2025 still there LMAO.

If it’s an issue in TWW you’re trolling yourself. There’s no reason not to do it solo…


I got all the mogs from the first bosses and wanted to skip to mechatorque but i guess i trolled myself

Yes, you tried to use a skip that has only ever gone to the last boss to get to a different boss. This wasn’t an example of someone in your group activating the skip without your knowledge or consent and now the whole group is stuck. You activated the skip yourself.

Your two choices are kill Jaina or kill everything.

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In my case, it’s my first time soloing the place and I had no clue that apparently if you talk to the troll to do the skip you cannot do the rest of the raid? That’s insanely bad design. Why is there no option for me to go back to the rest of the raid and run it as normal? Why am I now locked out until reset? That’s unjustifiable. I didn’t even notice if the troll has a warning saying you can’t clear the rest of the raid because they look like a generic “start raid” npc.