This was previously not the case before 7.3.5 as the same group of people cleared all of Mythic HFC for transmog the week before 7.3.5 and now after 7.3.5 it is not possible.
Tried it solo as well... but the same issue seemed to occur.
EDIT: So I walked to the entrance of the raid and my friend was able to solo the boss. Although, I had to stay away as when I walked back to see the killing blow, he got teleported and boss reset itself. I went back and was able to loot also. that is awesome.
08/25/2018 08:08 PMPosted by JonbonThis is the same issue with us. We can't kill him as 2 players
EDIT: So I walked to the entrance of the raid and my friend was able to solo the boss. Although, I had to stay away as when I walked back to see the killing blow, he got teleported and boss reset itself. I went back and was able to loot also. that is awesome.
Works! Tysm!
Good luck guys.
We were warrior/paladin combo so we both switched to prot and were able to kill Gorefiend (Mythic) without resetting because it won't reset tanks.
Note: We both had to be prot spec for this to work. I was prot the whole time but he was arms earlier and we couldnt get boss to 50% before resets.
November 5th, 2018
Just did this with a warlock, we did it to where I would hit the boss, run to the back of the room with a soul stone on and jump to kill myself and then rez whenever they got sucked up, then got him out and kill it and was able to loot. (was on a dk) can probably do this same thing with a druid or another dk or shaman with ahnk.
As of 10/18/19, you can solo him with two TANKS. Must both be tanks. Friend and I did it.
As of 11/16/2019 this method will still work.
Can confirm he can be killed as two tanks as of the 26/11
14th Jan 2020, the above method with one person running out of the encounter room and leaving the other to solo the boss still works. Did as a sin rogue/prot paladin combo and we both got loot/achievements.
21st June 2020 - Still bugged and even though you can do the walk out part, you cannot get the achievement unless you have enough people in the group. 2 people, or in my case, multi boxing, does not work.
This is still a problem.
Still the issue, myself and my friend trying to duo it keeps resetting
As of 9/9/2020 this method still works. Me and my friend just completed it. Thank you so much for sharing this experience. Saved us a lot of headache.