I’m open to both Horde and Alliance.
Hi there, I’m looking to speak with interested parties in regards to possible recruitment and joining another guild for like minded progression.
I have raided end game content since 2005 when I first started playing this game. My experience raiding spans several expansions but also misses some of them as well. Here is a fairly accurate documentation of my prior raiding experience:
Molten Core
Onyxia’s Lair
Blackwing Lair
Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj
The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj
Gruul’s Lair
Magtheridon’s Lair
Serpentshrine Cavern
The Eye (Tempest Keep)
The Battle for Mount Hyjal
The Black Temple
Obsidian Sanctum
Vault of Archavon
Eye of Eternity
Trial of the Crusader
Onyxia’s Lair
Icecrown Citadel
Ruby Sanctum
Baradin Hold
The Bastion of Twilight
Throne of the Four Winds
Blackwing Descent
Dragon Soul
Did not raid due to work.
Blackrock Foundry
Hellfire Citadel
Emerald Nightmare - CE
Trial of Valor - CE
Nighthold - 9/10
Tomb of Sargeras - 8/9
Antorus - CE
Uldir - 5/8
With that stated I do have a history of raiding and being consistent. The only time I could not commit was when I worked a flex schedule and was unable to consistently make a schedule. I am not one that likes to hinder a raid or be one of those individuals who shows up periodically. If I say I am going to be on I will be there. Emergencies are the only exception to this rule.
With that stated I am interested in a raiding guild that raids 2-3 nights a week. A preferred start time would be around 8:00 pm EDT and would end at around 1-2:00 am EDT. I do not mind server or faction changing. I do not mind playing another class if it means that as well. I am looking for equivalent or further progression to myself.
I will provide logs upon request.
I currently have the following classes max level:
Mistweaver Monk - 383 ilvl
If you are interested in someone who would be dedicated to the right group of like minded individuals and consistently performs, theory-crafts, and is helpful and friendly please post here so I may speak with you in regards to this.