not “losing” an argument just because they don’t prove any points worth acknowledging
to insult someone just because you disagree means you already lost
what’s pathetic is insulting someone because you don’t agree w/ them
not “losing” an argument just because they don’t prove any points worth acknowledging
to insult someone just because you disagree means you already lost
what’s pathetic is insulting someone because you don’t agree w/ them
Allright you’re gone to the void of ignore. Bai forever.
Dude accused me of the same thing. Apparently you’re not allowed to disagree with someone in more than one thread, I wish I’d gotten the memo.
I disagree. Mythic + has made raiding easier and more accessible.
Yeha that’s a good point. Before they would ask for experience and gear, but both would only come from raid. At least now only experience can block you.
You’ve got to be kidding me. In no way is jabroni a racial slur. You have to be trolling at this point.
in my world, new players aren’t idiots, and are perfectly capable of using WA if they so choose.
it does not matter if they are an idiot or not
you should not have to download 3rd party things just to play this game at a average casual level, which is what you have to do
inb4 well my one friend doesnt so ur wrong!
Did I say they were wrong?
Yeah last season I was so burnt out on mythic keys, I only did like 3 keys the whole season. During that time I realized if I did mythic keys I would of had +20 or more ilvl and better damage for my heroic raids. I was left behind, I didn’t think it would be that much though because of my gear not being fully upgraded.
He said new players. They don’t all come with a ready made friends list and a Guild to play with.
good news, you don’t have to
you don’t need WA’s to do average casual keys. you don’t need WA’s to raid normal. you don’t need them for heroic. you won’t need them to do delves.
u are literally just reading like 2 words and replying its genuinely unreal
I love M+. I can’t raid hardcore anymore, so M+ dungeons have been a godsend.
Also, new players can do a bit of digging and join M+ communities to find groups without having to straight-up PuG. The Blizzard launcher should include a community showcase that highlights such groups.
You get pissed at people insulting and belittling you, yet you go out of your way to belittle everyone else.
Yeah I guess not all of them do, but they’re still available. And to be honest, in 2024, I thought most new players would come through friends.
Lol mythic plus hasn’t damaged the game.
And no delves aren’t going to be what you think they are and you’re in for a rude awakening.
disagree = time to insult
youre not worth giving the time of day to already if u need to steep so low to insult someone just because u dont like their take
This has to be trolling, or you have zero idea how the addon works or what it does.
It’s like reading gibberish.