Blizzard fix this! our guild has been patient but it’s been Saturday, Sunday and Monday that we can’t raid because of this problem.
Textures are not visible in the third phase of Mythic Halandrus. We are with the boss at 13% and we are affected greatly for this reason.
Happens on Heroic too. Extremely frustrating and should have been fixed long ago.
We literally called raid early tonight because we went from 3% on Thursday to barely even able to get through anything on P3 tonight. So gd frustrating.
We finished progging this boss over a month ago but I can absolutely assure you that if this BS started happening during our prog I would’ve quit the game on the spot without hesitation out of sheer frustration.
This sort of crap being this persistent of a problem is unacceptable and it’s making a lot of guilds waste a lot of time on a single boss in a tier that already has garbage participation rates.
…in addition to all of these issues, our warlock grandma got absorbed into a wall. You know how there’s those pillars that you normally stand with your back to them, and he ran over a rock into a corner of the wall, and instead of running into the wall, he ran THROUGH the wall. AND HE WAS STUCK THERE. And then he was casting INSIDE of the wall at the boss, and then earthbreaker missiles dropped down, and the aftershock hit him and knocked him out of the wall.
Not fixed yet. Waste of a raiding week
They said they hotfixed the planetcracker beams and yet the bombs are still randomly going invisible and ground fissures still invis sometimes 
They said they fixed the Planetcracker Beams in a hotfox, but they didn’t say anything about the Hunter auto-pull bug, the bombs being invisible, randomly getting ABSORBED INTO THE WALL like our poor warlock, OR the seismic tremors being invisible.