So in addition to the Shadowlands Raids now not having their nonsense mechanics ruining our fun, excluding YOU, Prince Kael’sass and your Healer Only Nonsense, I tried Mythic Eonar again to try and farm for some transmog and figured out the pattern.
Just die the first time. She takes way too much damage.
The second time you attempt the fight, Eonar is a lot more resilient and you do the fight as normal. Start at the top-east entrance, nuke the demons, go down to the bottom north spawn zone, kill until she nukes the map, and then you’ve either got to go to the Portals or the Top West spawn zone, its random at this point.
Once you do that, just go out and kill the spawning Demons as quickly as they spawn to fill Eonar’s rage-bar up so she’ll nuke anything else on the map, and ignore any other commands to go back into that awful Fel-Ship and those wretched crystals, because if you do it a second time, you will die, the debuffs will stack so high even a capped toon with 615 gear will get shredded.
It is a massive PitA, but it has worked on three characters since reset, and I’d like to thank the homies who suffered through this with me trying to figure out the solo mechanics and me raging down Discord over this nonsense for the past few months.