Mythic dungeons for old content?

So I am really confused about how running old dungeons works. I’m want to get the Mummified Raptor Skull from King’s Rest in BFA, wowhead says this only drops on Mythic difficulty. Am I able to choose mythic difficulty for that dungeon somehow? I can’t even seem to queue for dungeons in BFA at all anymore and am completely lost. My understanding is timewalking lets you queue for old dungeons but they dont do it for BFA? How does this work for raids that you can’t even do until max level? I just want my dino mounts :frowning:

If you right click on your character’s face in the frame where it shows your health and resource bar, it allows you to choose dungeon difficulty on a menu there. Then you physically go to the entrance of the dungeon you wish to run, and when you enter the dungeon will be on the difficulty you selected.

The only thing you will not be able to do is M+, as that is an end game difficulty mode only.


This is exactly what i needed, thank you. Are these dungeons and raids still affected by a weekly timer/reset?

Yes. For dungeons, Mythic is on a weekly reset and heroic is daily.

Raids are on a weekly reset.

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