Mythic+ Dungeon Tuning – December 20

Good changes, really appreciate it. I’d still prefer this become an interruptible spell rather than hard CC required.

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Im still not entirely sold the last boss in ruby has been nerfed enough. I guess we’ll see.

I also think the tempest is likely to still be doing too much damage, and could probably use another 10% damage reduction during his storm. He’s harder to heal than azure blade and she was nerfed more.

Those changed basically just counter tyrannical. You’re still going to be dealing with absolute monsters that are far beyond the scope of other bosses, especially with grievous.


first boss and final bosses in RLP and last boss in TAV are still going to be disgusting next week. last boss of jade temple will also suck, the debuff already hits way too hard and it’s going to hit 10% harder next week even after the nerfs.
the breath on the dragons in RLP isn’t the issue, their other abilities are. same with nerfing living bomb on the destroyers instead of their inferno aoe that puts a lethal dot on everyone that kills you if your healer doesn’t pump heals into the entire group every time it goes out. way too much on the healers shoulders and it’s not fun as a dps to have no agency against that much constant unavoidable damage going out
nokhud trash nerfs are reasonable but the lightning boss will probably still be way too hard next week. also maybe it’s just me but the visibility of the seasonal affix in that fight is really bad.
disappointed to not see any adjustments to the seasonal affix here in general considering the amount of negative feedback there has been.
sadly i’m sure a lot of feedback was given about all of this in beta and we’re still going to have to wait weeks if not months for proper tuning


Some of the dungeons still need tuning. I am at a point where I do not invite people to +10s that did not at least clear +20s multiple seasons in systemlands because brain cells are needed on priority targets.

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All of these issues were seen in beta, they really should have been applied before m+ went live.


I like it, not many damage nerfs, mostly reaction time adjustments to give people time to react to the mechanics, but still have to do them.

Next week will be horrible… Barely changed damage on the bosses that will be the most important thing on tyrannical. People getting one shot by mechanics and taking overwhelming unavoidable damage is really rough, even more on fights that have constant AoE dmg and heal checks. I’ve been dying using all my defensives cuz the healer is unable to keep the group on and it’s not tyranical, what will it be tomorrow?


I’m sure you’ll survive ~8 hours.

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This is the most needed nerf in the game :rofl:


This times a million.



Healing some of these dungeons have been extremely stressful because of the annoying mechanics. Im glad some mechanics got nerfed <3


The problem is you tuned it for the professional and the streamers that got no life and this is what they do all day the other 95% does not find this AOE ultra damage fun. The regular players are not finding every trash pull every boss pull unavoidable AOE damage fun. Stop tuning to the best of the best players.


The damage nerfs are likely for the rest of the party that takes aoe dot and aoe damage from spells/abilities cast.

I still think more damage nerfs need to happen for more AoE spells in TNO. I like the decrease in frequency and cast time changes, but still have the issue with multiple pulls with 3-4 mobs with each having 1-2 casts requiring interrupts in this dungeon specifically.

These encounters / trash packs need to be pug friendly as M+ is content that scales meaning average players in lower keys should be able to complete the content, while hardcore in higher keys will be challenged by the scaling difficulties.

I still support mechanical bosses, and trash remaining trash.


The cast can be stopped with a stun I believe, and shamans can purge the shield insta killing them. Mages may be able to spell steal but im not sure about that

Overgrown ancient REALLY needed that HP nerf.

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The purge only kills them when they’re doing that other cast they do on death. It’s not really dangerous, it’s just swirly nonsense.

Im a regular player and I think the aoe is actually fine. Pull smaller and interrupt the scary casts and its mostly fine. A few abilities and scenarios here and there needed and may still need more tuning but its not oppressive IMO. Please do not pretend to speak for everyone when you speak for yourself

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my mistake, but I do believe a stun still stops them no? also a knock back would as well I imagine

And deplete because timer is ticking lol. Dungeons basically require you to pull big or you deplete.

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Yeah you have to cc/displace them to interrupt the flame dance. A kick won’t work.