Mythic+ Community Recruitment

Hello everyone! I just created a mythic+ community called Chaotic Mythic Plus. This community will be filled with ambitious players who want to push high keys! This community is not for beginners learning the dungeons but instead those who know the dungeons well, are great at the class they play, and solid personalities! If you are interested in joining the community, please leave a message with a little about yourself (class, spec, link to raiderio, etc) and I will get you the link to the community. I look forward to hearing from you!


Horde only?

Hello, 375 resto druid with multiple alts, Allend is my best io score since i cannot apparently leave links in replies, would love to join #Hoss1624

Hello, 376 1.3K IO Resto Druid & 386 1.3K IO MW Monk looking for a community or consistent group to push high keys.
Shadralla Zul’Jin
Celmonk Zul’jin

BNET - Carlos#1416

Hi, 378 1k IO Brewmaster Tank and 980 DK tank. Looking for a more permanent group of people to push m+ with.

BNET - Rejiko04#1801

Hey, 380 ilvl Rdruid 1470 io LF solid people to play with rather than pugs. i push hard on the weekends.

Time zone: PST
Server: Frostmane US
BNET - Mike#19259

382 ilvl Disc Priest
1285 IO
Looking to push into 15+ keys
Bnet: SkipMcJunior#1337
Have a 700 hpally and MW monk as well

Name: Aphyxa
Realm: Proudmoore
Class/Spec: Balance Druid
BNet: Aphyxa#1868
Current IO: 910

Hey there!

Realm: Azuremyst/Staghelm
Class/Spec: Havoc DH
BNet: chileisgood#1297
Current IO: 1171

Realm: Dreadmaul (im in the US though)
Class/spec: Restoration Druid/Mistweaver Monk
Bnet: GingerHeals#11438
Discord: Rena#0201
IO: 1131 Druid/ 1143 Monk

Looking for a good group to push high keys with.

Realm: Thrall
Class/Spec: Druid/Balance and Mage/Frost+Fire (Zhamoza)
IO: 1017 and 1111 respectively
Bnet: WashableAter1964

1 Like

Hey, im looking for people who like Mythic plus as much as i do. I have 2 characters that are 1k+. I play a lot of different classes but mostly Holy pally, warlock and boomkin/resto druid. My bnet is Airbourne#1955. Hope to hear from you!

Realm: Thrall
Class/Spec: BM Hunter (Crossboo), Outlaw Rogue (Kishkuman),
IO: Around 1k on the hunter, and only about 300 on the rogue, (haven’t done a lot of mythics on the rogue yet).

Bnet: Deathcast#11896

389 Blood DK.
Currently 1623 io

Looking to push 2k+


Hi there!

Name: Youngsmite
Realm: Echo Isles
Class/Spec: Holy Pala
Bnet: youngsmite#1309
Current IO: 1233

I’d like to join a solid team to push keys with for season 2.

Dadburt - Tich 384 Rdruid 1.4k IO Trying to get a consistent team together for next tier. Bnet - JarredG#1127

Malicor - Assassination rogue 1344 io ilvl 385. Crushridge.
I’m looking to start a mythic plus team that will run together consistently and drive up high end keys.


Hathassin - Outlaw Rogue 950io atm.
Hathael #1831


392 havoc demon hunter.

Hey there, was wondering does your community have “set” times for key pushes? I do have a guild currently who i Raid with and do other activities, so I’m seeking a community that has more flexible key pushing times.

401 Frost Mage for mythic +
Raider Io score: 1056 currently
Bnet: Leens#11580