Mythic Azshara worlds first victory is tainted

I agree.

I simply cannot confirm if Limit or Method had/hadn’t passed that stage which is why I didn’t state it.

If the phase was possible and didn’t require tuning it should have been left as is until the race was over.
If it wasn’t just a gear/practice thing, then I agree it should have been hotfixed.

In the instance that Limit did surpass that phase there shouldn’t have been any changes at all.


it was not a buff for method Blizzard merely applied a nerf to a raid mechanic which limit had already conquered but not method and they capitalized on it

my point is even if method was stuck behind that issue it was NOT broken or a glitch since as I said limit got past it without needing it nerfed

Blizzard should’ve let it be and not changed a thing in the middle of their attempts

This might be worth watching for just this alone!

So limit benefited from the nerf before method as eu was finishing up for the night giving limit 8 hrs before method was up again meaning limit had more chances at post nerf azshara and method still won. They are all exceptional players. Method is just better.

Post nerf method still took 2 daya of raiding to get ahead % wise of limit who after the nerf got her to 29%. Quit the bs about method causing the nerf.

Clearly it was over tuned and blizz wanted to change it before reset. Its not unheard of


Limit kept their strategy knowingly of the nerfs. Method went with 1 healer less than limit and by playing more agressively on that strat cashed out first. There are many many factors that make the race not fair sticking in one just to say that Method benefited more than Limit on it for me is a onesided view.

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Literally who cares about the 3 guys in top 10 guilds getting or not getting boss kills?

Green Jesus, I don’t. Who could possibly still give this much of an f?

Blizzard isn’t going to redo it, it’s not their freaking event.

That sounds a bit suss. If one team could get past a boss then why was it nerfed?

I hadn’t played this game for 10 years, and every time a new xpac came out, I already knew that some european guild was going to world first it. Every time, and I was right, every time.

Who cares?

Because world first races aren’t a Blizzard esport, they’re done by the community, and Blizzard doesn’t have an obligation to hold back balance changes.

This isn’t MDI or some crap. And next raid tier people will stop caring about it.

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You’d think Blizzard could wait another week or so. It’s not like anyone else was gonna be that far in progression.

They use world first raid team to balance encounters, it’s been done in the past many time. They had the data that waranted the nerfs and did it.

So Limit, who held the lead, couldn’t get the job done when the encounter got much easier lol

Sounds like your saying Limit suck


quite the contrary limit had already made it past that particular encounter BEFORE it was changed and Method at that point was unable to get it done and it was only afterwards that it allowed them to catch up which begs the question would they have made it if Blizzard hadn’t changed a thing?

this isn’t about limit losing its the fact the outcome was a direct affect of Blizzard changing the encounter in the middle of the attempt

It’s a sprint! No it’s an endurance race! Find out when the judges randomly move the finish line!

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  1. The nerf was horrendously timed. They basically waited for Method to get stuck on it before going “oh ok we can nerf it now” which ruined Limit’s day and a half lead they built during Zaq.

  2. They should have been able to run the numbers once Limit was on it allowing Limit to adjust their strategy to suit the nerf rather than work on their pre nerf strat for 3 full days.

  3. Limit struggled their second last day. They wasted about 10 hours regressing and being sloppy before dialing it in. This was the night Method went to bed without the kill. They should have locked it in.

  4. Both teams are amazing and can win any race in the future. Whichever stays more consistent will get it, and for now that’s been Method. Makes sense considering how long they’ve been at it.

  5. Anyone that thinks the NA headstart is an impactful advantage is a meme. Bug walls, overtuned mobs, and revealing strats are all massive disadvantages that both cost Limit about 3 days this tier and helped Method not have to learn P1 in Azshara and 1 tank Zaq because they could copy paste Limit’s strat

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They announced when they were gonna nerf in advance to try to make it more fair.

It’s not the first time they nerf a boss after the first team has been stuck on it and that it let other teams catchup.

Having a headstart is always an advantage, how small it is. I’m sure china could’ve been way more in the race if they weren’t 2 days late.

Stop finding excuses, race is over better chance next time. Limit couldve copied Method strat for Aszhara when they got ahead and didn’t. That’s the risk of streaming progression and Method has been streaming before Limit did. And if they feel that starting first is too massive disatvantage then they could time their stream with Method, nothing stops them from waiting xd

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yeah well Blizzard made sure that limit lost their chance for it

I have no stake in whoever got this but that’s beside the point even if had been method that lost the chance I would protest the results of this its not about which guild won its how it won that is in question and I find it shameful that anyone would willingly defend this by claiming well its Blizzard they can do whatever they want

Blizzard should hold themselves to a higher standard and have them both do this again WITHOUT nerfing or otherwise modifying the raid mechanics let them earn the achievement on equal footing and starting at the same time

Are you saying method had more access to the fight than limit did? Seems like limit could have taken advantage of the same thing and won if they were better. Also, you do realize blizzard doesn’t sponsor the world first race, right? They haven’t really even acknowledged it until this year.

For that to happen they would have to be able to tune the raid to be easier, Ion has said at this point that they’re trying to tune it so only pretty much 1 guild can kill. And they can’t test internally with the same skills of those tops guilds. So to be fair Blizzard testing for me has been more than lacking with how many gamebreaking bugs they keep fixing. At this point I don’t really know what they could do if they want to keep that philosphy of making it killeable only by 1 guild.