Mythic Antorus, PLEASE MAKE IT SOLOable in Shadowlands!

Guys, we need to have Mythic Antorus be soloable in Shadowlands. I see no point in keeping it as a group content. lvl 60 shouldn’t struggle with Legion content at all. I can go in any other raid before Legion expansion and solo it with flying colors. Why not Legion raids? I get it for BFA raids, sure you need a group, but Legion? Why? Please tune the numbers in Antorus so we can solo farm bosses at least on lvl 60 characters. Thank you for reading. Give me feedback as well :smiley:

It will most likely become soloable in 9.2 or 9.3 (therefore making it soloable in Shadowlands :stuck_out_tongue:) . The only fights that would need changing are Eonar, Imonar (the sleep mechanic) and Coven (the damage reduction if they are close together). The rest of the bosses and their dangerous mechanics can be avoided by dpsing them quickly. Imonar does his sleep mechanic basically on pull, so unless you can burn him to 80% (70% on LFR, normal and heroic) in 2-3 seconds, good luck.

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The consensus is the scaling is broken. instead of fixing it they told us it’s working as intended and to wait till the end of shadowlands before we can solo this.