My guild is doing mythic anduin. we wiped and none of us could release. we all dropped group and zoned out. reformed and now we cant get inside due to “unable to zone in while an encounter is in progress”
all 20 of my guys are OUTSIDE. this is pathetic and wasting our time.
Hey 27 minutes and nothing. Is this forum even a thing? Or is it all show to make it think you care? Just curious honestly. Kind of lame that you aren’t on top of these bugs and this is one that has existed for the entire tier so far and i know has been reported in the past. So if you have some times to work on your game people are paying for ill be here waiting for a response. thanks
45 minutes and my entire raid is still locked out of mythic anduin due to “boss encounter in progress”
bump locked out for an hour now. thanks
bump, i have had my entire raid log off the game for 15 minutes and still nothing. total time up to 1 hour and 15 minutes. thanks
Had to call a raid night because of your incompetence as a company. Thanks for wasting out time. This issue has been reported numerous times in this forum and you have let it go on for weeks. Thanks.
Bumping for visibilty, happened to my guild two prog nights in a row now. Soft fix is to make sure the last person alive dies ON the platform. please god fix this, wasting so much time afk outside of the instance
Still happening - we have our entire raid group standing outside of the instance and unable to zone in.
Happening to us now - anybody got any solutions?
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We just killed this and got the bug instead of loot
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This is happening to my guild right now… Can’t even raid.
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bump bc this just happened to our raid and we had to call it for the night. extremely frustrating
Happened to me and our group progging on this boss last night, had to call early. It seems to be going for a while, so I’m afraid our progression is going to get hindered by a bug like this. Needs to be fixed as soon as possible.
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this just happened to our raid, unsure what caused it and we tried everything to get back in, unlucky to lose a night of prog
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Just happened to our guild - were you able to pick it back up on another night, or did you have to wait until weekly reset?
We have the same issue. Any fix for this?
None of our raiders are able to zone in. Tried relogging, remaking the raid, resetting, no luck.
i cant blast andy because of this bug please fx