Mythic+ And Delves

Every day … Mythic plus people leave after 1 wipe because someone cant do a mechanic and Delves people are joining and just going afk at the start . Neither one is fun what is being done about this ? There needs to be a penalty that can be voted on within a group on a player negative a vault reward this is way out of hand . I have pushed to 2500-3k every season and this season its not worth the investment of time .

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Doesn’t happen often.


Why is it the choice everyone wants is for Blizz to punish the randoms (who, by the nature of pugging, owe you nothing) vs putting in the time and effort to make friends to run with?

A large % of the complaints on these forums would vanish if people took that energy and put it towards curating a solid friends list to run content with instead of trying to force their own standards on randoms.

Between my guild and friends list, I never need to pug. All it takes at times is saying “hey, I’ll be on Thursday at 7pm if anyone else is around”. I know people don’t like scheduling their game time but it’s no different than scheduling an IRL activity imo.


Doesn’t happen often.

Happens more often than you think

curating a solid friends list

WoW or friends, pick one. Everyones out for themselves since SL and don’t do the whole friends thing since it no longer benefits them longterm

I’ve yet to encounter a single run where someone left after 1 wipe or death all the way from +2s to +12s. People leave for multiple errors that add up especially if they happen early in the run. This argument of people leaving at the “first sign” of trouble is almost always exaggerated or because the person complaining is blind to all the other mistakes that were going on.