Mythic +28 Keys Are Currently Being Cleared With a Protection Paladin as the Tank and Healer Role

Blizzard is set to implement a significant nerf to Protection Paladins, reducing the healing done by Word of Glory to a maximum of 100 percent based on the target’s missing HP. This is a major reduction from the current 250 percent, and it is hoped that this nerf will have an impact on the popularity of four-DPS compositions in high-level Mythic+ keys and Mythic Dungeon International global finals. Protection Paladins have been utilized as a substitute for dedicated healers in these compositions and the upcoming nerf may discourage this strategy. The community is optimistic that Blizzard’s efforts will improve the overall healing experience in the game.

Just one of many videos.

This is a good start in the right direction. Protection paladins shouldn’t be the healer and tank in +28 keys. This video goes against the very nature of the “we want healers to heal again” principle which was reiterated recently by WoW Devs.


cosmetic role

Thanks for the update.


what the best of the best are doing is irrelevant to the rest of us


Are you complaining about it or are you sharing because you think it’s cool?


Impressive sure… but thats also players that are apart of the top 3% of the game

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Context is key, they have a shadow priest and shaman, both of which have a very powerful healing ability that can easily sustain the group. Along with CoS is pretty much an AFK dungeon, minus the bosses healing wise. Given the bulk of the trash doesn’t even do an AoE, and ancestral guidance and vampiric embrace are more than enough to cover the burst windows.

Not sure if you’re complaining about it but this is pretty much normal, especially for those kinds of players.


Hey look yall. The parrot found something on someone’s stream or youtube channel. Reminds me of all the reddit reposts…



I’ll actually watch when that says Ruby Life Pools.


Ahh yes the cheese masters and their fromage are at it again :+1:

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so go ahead and try for yourself and see what happens. I’ll give you a hint, it’s not gonna end well for you. You’re not the top .1%


Yeah. It would have been interesting to see the actual healing data for the run instead of having both details windows set to damage. I can see the run on warcraftlogs, but I don’t think they uploaded the data.

How can y’all play with such aesthetically displeasing UIs? Are you actually robots?

Just go look at top 100 on raiderio literally 1 dk 1 monk a few wars and the rest are pallys

Do it with 4 hunters.


Doesn’t matter on this. They were having fun for once during that. To be honest the paladin rework made people enjoy paladin a lot more. Think the WoW dev team needs a PTR on Class Reworks and focus on them severely to balance with the paladin reworks. Basically reworking classes that people enjoy to match with paladins. Not complain and reduce paladins but match it with them. Games are made for fun not for complaining about damage and all that. Plus when was the last time there was a paladin up in ranks of dps?

So what you are saying is CoS (and SBG) is a joke of a dungeon right?

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Oh look, it’s Court of Stars.

How shocking.


I mean they did a +26 hov i’m pretty sure without a healer as well. So the CoS/SMBG comments don’t really make sense.

+26 hov is a very high key.

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OP should have led with “Mythic +26 keys are currently being cleared with a protection paladin as the only healer”, then.

Take it up with him.