Mythic +15 dungeons still required to unlock Legion appearances

I’m unsure if the tooltip is labelled wrong, or whether this has been tested, but the “Balance of Power” artifact appearances have a challenge that used to be complete a +15 mythic mode dungeon. Since the dungeon squish doing a +15 would put you in the what top 1% of players? Maybe even top 0.5%?

It would be great if this was lowered to a +8 or +5 or whatever would be equivalent of doing a +15 back in the day.

Alternatively, if it has already been lowered, could we please at least get the tooltip updated to reflect that?

I’m an M+ enjoyer, but pugging a +15 to get an achievement is gonna be hell on earth


how do you do legion +15 ?

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Apparently you have to do a current season +15. So that would mean a +15 of TWW S1. Which, checks notes would put you in the current top 0.3% of players :upside_down_face:

This would be a fine challenge back before they did the m+ key level restructure back during DF S4, but now those key levels are unobtainium unless you’re a VERY good player playing a meta class lol

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I think I lucked out on this and they made the unlock account-wide in DF before the key squish.

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Yep it seems to be the case that blizzard just simply don’t know that it’s still the case after the squish lol.

My issue is that I can do a +15 if I wanted to, but just not on the toon that I have currently unlocked the Balance of Power questline (which in itself is stupidly long).

So now it seems that I have to take a different toon that I can successfully complete a 15 on and redo the entire questline from the start. It’s such a monumental task that I’m thinking of just handing in the towel altogether lol