Mystic Dragons (Bricked Up Dragons) - Thrall US is a 2-day raiding guild (Tuesday and Thursday 8PM-10PM EST) that has been Mythic raiding since the start of this expansion. We have started with a casual mythic approach but have realized that we are striving for more than just casual Mythic and are aiming to achieve CE. We have an active community that participates in all aspects of the game (PvP, M+, SOD) and also have a weekend team (Heroic only).
We understand that like many adults, our obligations prevent us from playing as much as we like to so we offer a raiding times that are shorter than most guilds, but we definitely mean business when we raid while maintaining a positive atmosphere.
We are looking for players that have the same mind-set. So if you’re someone that wants to make the most of their time, comes prepared and is open to feedback all while raiding on a 2 day 4 hour raid week, we’d definitely like to have a chat with you.
Raid History:
Amirdrassil - 7/9 M (Currently progging on Tindral)
Aberrus - 7/9 M
VoTI - 5/8M
Current Recruitment Needs:
We are currently actively recruiting any exceptional DPS help fill out some spots in our core. However we are currently prioritizing the following classes:
Feel free to reach out to myself or any of the other folks I have listed below to talk to a recruitment officer:
Beladrix - Discord: beladrix Bnet: Rayjen#1381
Tig - Discord: tigolbities
Goguk - Discord: goguk