Mysterious Greenway quest giver missing

It’s been a few days already since unlocked the cypher undestanding needed to open up this quest chain. It shows up on my map but the quest giver is no where to be found. If there is another thing required to unlock this chain, it would be nice to know as this is annoying as hell. Considering this is a major chain that unlocks an area for the last treasure needed for an achievement, you would think this would be fixed by now.

Again, the icon is on my map showing the quest location, but when I arrive the quest giver is no where to be found.


Same for me and from the comments on wowhead it sounds like no one can do the chain.

Same here. “!” has been up for two days for me but no quest giver available to get the quest from. Additionally, yesterday I made sure to clear the nearby daily in case that was interfering but no dice.