What happens at act 4?<wish to know
Hahahaha xD
Imagine letting some melvin of a GM act like they dictate what you do with your vidyageme time lmfao
It’s absolutely not even remotely close to Warhammer levels. But yes, it is darker than D3 lol
Well, at that point the Barbarian dies to Iron Maiden
D3 was trash, D4 is fantastic
Just get it tbh
Rescued to be tortured oh man ,is that music or the real thing ? Well either way what an ending.
All time is my OWN time.
“YOU will take the time out of YOUR day, and use YOUR free time to play MY game, or I will punish you!!1!11”.
you have to be trolling lol. Remind me to never join your guild.
The joy of being in a casual guild. I’ll be there for raid times, but when raid time is up, can go back to mauling demons and foolish mortals AND THE BEES GOD NOT THE BEES for the rest of the time with a sprinkling of M+ binging every now and then.
Finally got a full equip set of legendaries on my druid, only shame is that they are for the double-shifter playstyle instead of pure bear or pure wolf… Did get a few neat storm ones if I ever decided to drop my entire gold stockpile on respeccing… Now I think I see why people chose to just create duplicate characters for playing different specs instead of going through that process.
It’s a curse lol
Scary very scary,lol.
Were you ever in a core raiding guild? Honest question. *If you always pugged your raids, I’ll take that as a no, but there was a time back in Retail when raiding that way was a disaster.
*And by the way, my guild is a WPvP guild. There’s not really such a thing as organized events like there is in raiding.
lmao i loved this especially the title. pure chaos. making me laugh in the mornings <3 – Sorry for your pain tho
Very few understand the horror of going full whirlwind and then having that curse dropped on you.
Even if you managed to TP back to town, it’s game over
Well,we know now what act 4 is,omg.
I wouldn’t say I feel forced to play solo, but I just don’t like spending a lot of my time sitting idle and trying to find groups for things when I’m gaming.
The guild I am in is slowly losing people for various reasons and for diablo. Have to pug like 6+ dps on raid nights.
Didn’t have many people to begin with as the GM/Officers are pretty lazy with that stuff.
I think what he saying is you can play Diablo an skip the wow guild
Makes a Druid in Diablo that’s a near exact replica of Herne
Other then the GL who logs in an alt every month or so, no one in my guild has played since the middle of BFA.
Oh… correction. One person leveled to 70 and stopped playing a month later.