My Wallet too full of Plunder and nothing I can buy form store. D:

Ok this bit of issue I Kinda wishes they add more items I don’t care consumable or some lost Comsic or something but I would like to spend this plunder I Don’t know Community Plunder Gold sink where more we Throw in Gold sink more chaos or pirate theme goal we can have?

(Heck, I opt turn plunder in time warp badges or few bit of gold for all I care)

I mean… I nearly max out on my wallet, and I fear if I max out, I won’t plunder any more plunder… Blizzard I got all this plunder and nothing to spend on…please help.

yep me too. Blizzard tried so hard to make people who dont want to play happy, that the rewards are way underestimated. how about cater to the people who want to play this game? People are forced into this for the rewards, its like saying im forced into pvp for the rewards on wow, which i dont have because i dont want to do it. Crazy

Someone on Reddit suggested adding legacy endgame currency to the Plunderstore.

Yeah I would love that Add more way to trade stuff for Plunder.

Make it go both ways. Let people purchase other currencies with plunder, and let people purchase plunder with other currencies. This way, people who are capped on plunder can spend it on something without letting it go to waste, and people who despise Plunderstorm can acquire plunder through other means (such as with time-warped badges).