My vision for the Horde

You know I have been thinking for the longest time how to make the future of the Horde happen for all their fans and until recently I never putted much effort into my posts. But that is about to change now. After my latest post on the american forum recived over a 1000 posts in just 2 days I realized there are actually some people out there who agree to my view on the story and game at large and if I can rally enough people on it, things might change and Blizzard might finally see the way the red faction has been portrayed since MoP was wrong on all stations. So here I go right now. I will support any reason and measure to make sure my favored faction in any MMO so far(Sorry Asmodians and Sith), will no longer be neglected and treated like a mere afterthought. And that Blizzard is finally forced to spend actually resources into both sides of the story like every other contester in this genere already does even with a multi billion dollars budget.

So let us start now shall we?

  1. Revamp the old world again. This is the most important part. Lots of old zones still stuck being in 2007 or Cataclysm for now. Worthy to mention that gameplay wise the Horde only started up with half as much numbers to play safe for the races and the three mains had to share the Barrens. Still the alliance has an advantage of 2 of it because the dwarfs are actually far away from the humans if you take a look at the map. I admire that the Devs actually have the blood elves two zones and wided the influence of the Forsaken but still it wasn’t enough. Give the Tauren Thousand Needles and Stonetalon Mountains. That would even the field. I am not interested in Eastern Kingdoms and it seems like Stromgarde will stay blue for the longest time.
  2. Lore representation. The Horde lost way too many important lead characters way too fast. Ignoring the obvious disaster of the second war, even in WOW Blizzard was not done pulling a massacre on them which cost many great personalities to either villain batting or heroic but pointless sacrifice.(Most noted the Varian and Vol’jin situation and Sylvanas). Either start anew with the current cast or ressurect the old ones(Snitch in Tagar and Fenris if you like it since their sattus is MIA). Either way Both factions should have their own aligned guides through each expansion and not fore everyone to take their quests from Anduin and Alleria only for the next 6 years.
  3. Hubs for the allied races. Right now the Vulpera and Mag’har are basically homeless and hold zero political influence neither do they have a chance for good RP cuz Horde RP has always been decentralized. Change that. Give the Vulpera a place in Vol’dun and the brown Orcs a grand return to Draenor arc where they get to reclaim their actual home.
  4. Power scaling. Right now all hard hitters you could consider battle gods even if you look at all the magic they throw at their enemies without taking any breaks are important alliance leaders like Jaina and Malfurion.
  5. Themes. I don’t ask for much here. But give us finally a theme of the cosmic lore where not titanforged or night elves are the center and focus of the plot. The various Horde religions were degraded in Shadowlands and it is quite unfair that because of the noble savages trope they never got the focus to stop the main bad guy or could connect to any of the magic forces that make up the universe. I think the elves and trolls are the best contenders here so you have some leverage to work with.

What do you think? That is all I could think of at the start and I might add some new things over the next weeks. Have fun into tearing it apart like Turiel and that Dark iron Dwarf might always do.

Cheers. Erevien.