My UI is messed up too big or to small

i have tried everything

Do you have more than 1 monitor? If so, try swapping them in the Options menu then switch them back.

That may sound odd, but there were some strange things going on with monitors in Alpha/Beta testing that may be affecting live since pre-launch dropped. That fixed it for me, but there may be other anomalies.

no same display different ui

Your UI addon(s) need to be “fixed” to allow for changes in TWW.

I don’t have Ui addons sorry

Then I don’t understand what this comment actually means in regards to the Blizz. UI.

Sorry you do not understandwhat i mean by ui is scaling of blizz ui and stuff so there…

What UI scale % are you trying to use?

I encountered this when I fired up my main gaming machine this evening.

The Video options had the screen size set to my expected HDMI size (1920x1080). But the UI was slightly overscale – stuff was creeping out of the edge of the screen. Bottom row of action buttons was cut off about 1/3, and the addon badges at the right edge of the minimap were being truncated.

I switched the display size setting to “Default” and everything was right again, although “Default” should have been exactly the same as 1920x1080.
