My Troubles Are Legion!

I’m level 48 now, and I’ve attained at least “Friendly” with four factions in Legion.

I thought Suramar would be open to me, but it’s not. I need a fifth faction to unlock World Quests. Can anyone help?

When you say that Suramar’s not open, what do you mean, exactly?

Have you visited the Violet Citadel in Dalaran to check whether Khadgar has the quest

for you?

48 should be high enough, and AFIAR there should be no other reps required to start Suramar - the reps are to open World Quests.

Thanks. I’m in Suramar now. I had to do some quest in an instanced version of Exodar, then I could go into Suramar.

My objective is to open World Quests, but I’ve done some of them and while I’m Friendly with the Nightfallen, I still can’t get World Quests to unlock.

There is quest that I turn into Khadgar, eventually, where I get the World quests to unlock. I guess I haven’t gotten that far in Suramar yet.

ETA: Never mind. I got it the brilliant idea to just check the map and see if there were any quest turn-ins on Dalaran. Sure enough, there was, and it looked like Khadgar’s spot.

Now I just need to figure out how to unlock the Broken Shore.