My theory about the Sword of Sargeras I think after it’s removed that’s where the Night Elves will plant their seed once it’s healed probably by Alexstrasza or maybe the seed itself can heal it and that’ll become the new Night Elf area/tree making that part of the world worthwhile again.
I’m sure I’m not the first with this idea but I’d love to hear a discussion around it.
*****There’s some Spoilers in the comments for Dragonflight read at you’re own risk *****
Seed was already planted and sprouted.
What sword does this one speak of? Does anyone know?
Oh it was? I missed that I took a break during shadowlands
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It didn’t happen in Shadowlands. I’m being deliberately vague here to not spoil it.
No. In-game in Dragonflight.
I somehow missed it and I’ve been trying to do all the quest.
That’d be cool, but I’m pretty sure the Night Elves are currently living in Hyjal at the base of Nordrassil.
They’re not homeless anymore. They just haven’t updated Stormwind because it’s not a priority. Look how long they kept Deathchin’s claw marks on the gate.
Edit: They’re also in settlements in Ashenvale, parts of Darkshore and Feralas.
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In an upcoming expansion, the corrupted Titan Azeroth will break free of the planet. She will then use the sword to wipe out mortal existence in the universe.
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I think when Azeroth wakes up that will be the weapon she uses to fight back the light.
That’s right, I think she’ll be on team void. N’zoth was right, that “only I can save this world”
I’m betting defeating Nzoth was just a vision and we didn’t actually burn him with our neck, we burned the last seal holding him back. The first thing he says in Nyalotha is everything we are seeing is a vision. He basically told us. I’m guessing wrathion knows, and he’s waiting for us, and Nozdormu, to learn the great truth about the titans before he reveals everything, since before, that we wouldn’t have believed him.
And, oh yea, sylvanas is in on it too and her part of the plan is to get control of the armies in the maw to help in the light/void war to come.
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It’s likely that you haven’t unlocked it yet. It’s post-campaign.
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I am assuming that the sword is made out an indestructable material or the goblins would have had it cut into little peices and sold as souvenirs of the war with legion. (as well as plenty of fakes)
So we need another planet-sized person to pull it out…
I’m just as lost as you are. I think I would have noticed if this was true.
Great name! And you’re a dragon Lol
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Isn’t Azeroth the most powerful being in the universe once she awakens and the only entity powerful enough to stop void lords? I think she is our only chance. Sargeras was also working to destroy them too.
Then again, Sargeras is still alive. Maybe he and Illadin are released and Sargeras takes his sword back.
With how things have been going though, I think Sylvanas will pull it out herself and then singlehandedly, well two-handedly, chop the void lords themselves. The ultimate finale to WoW.
In conclusion, what sword?
Oooohh. I like that!
In DF we learn the truth and then part of the plan is to go find illidan and convince him to let us release sargaras because he’s the only one who can help us in the war.
Or the only one who can mentor and teach Azeroth how to become the warrior who will save the universe.
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