I’ve been a prot warrior one trick since BFA, I’ve played prot through bad times and good and the only time I’ve had more fun playing prot was when we were juggling banner uptime at the end of shadowlands. The current iteration of prot is great, I can understand the dev thinking that we’re too strong or we have too much rage but the ham handed approach that is these nerfs is not just address the problems as they see it but gut what makes prot fun.
Protection warrior has two buttons that it can press without paying rage, Shield Slam and Thunderclap, that’s it. If there isn’t one of those buttons available during a GCD the entire we need to have a sufficient rage SUPLUS to use something like revenge for a global or we have NOTHING to do and it feels bad, to sit on your hands while the mobs are beating your face in. This is important since the change to will reduce the active time of prot warrior. If I look at my last Silkran kill, it took 4:44 or 284 seconds, so with a 6.9 second CD on shield slam I should have had 41 casts if I hit exactly on CD. Instead I had 76 casts so that means that 35 of those were reset procs or nearly HALF of my casts were a reset proc. Meaning that by reducing the number of resets by 33% you’re reducing the number of overall shield slams by 16.5% which is insane, that’s 16.5% extra downtime, 16.5% less time to be active, be doing something. It’s ridiculous.
I’ve raid lead through thick and thin in wow, keeping a three day a week schedule both for a mythic raid team and then a pickup raid night for the rest of the guild so maybe 45-50 people a week raid under my leadership. At this point I’m reaching the point where if Blizzard is going to continue to time and again make ham handed changes to the only tank spec I really enjoy without even bothering to acknowledge the reaction of the community then I’m thinking that it might be time for me to consider leaving for another game and we’ll see how the raid team fairs if I make that call.
They open by saying they want Prot Warriors to be less squishy.
Then they hit us with the biggest volley of nerfs I’ve ever seen specifically for the spec. I’m floored. Not a single serious Prot Warrior main is going to like these changes. Not one.
My biggest fear is that Prot Warrior is going to end up like SL season 1…which was super rage starved. The way it is right now, and most of BFA, has been the most fun iteration.
Would we be moving one point out of Bloodsurge to maybe Instigate instead? To try and make up for some of the rage loss? And the one handed weapon specialization, despite being turned into a 2 point talent, should be slightly better?
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we are going to be relegated to the character selection screen my man at least that what it seems like. we will see how the ptb goes.
Well that’s a depressing thought. I’m really enjoying my prot warrior this expansion. Was hoping to make her my “main alt” for the foreseeable future. The fast and furious play style is fun! If they really pump the breaks and prot ends up being an auto swing zombie, I will be mucho sad.
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if you have fun on the class then play it. dont let balance changes affect you too much unless you plan to push super high none of these changes will affect your gameplay more than just having fun with the class. that said we will see how to ptb goes its still really early and im doomin a bit.
Yeahhhhhhhh. I finally worked up the courage to try out Colossus Prot this week JUST in time for the new changes to get dropped.
Guess i’m out for S2 tanking. the circlet ring being so Mastery heavy and now with these changes means im pretty much stuck as Fury. FML…
If it’s any consolation, Colossus wasn’t viable for progression already. These changes just make sure it isn’t even cool for lower content, either.
Blizzard hates Colossus Prot for some reason.
16.5% less shield slam casts = around 3〜4% dps loss on ST
Less slam + rage talents nerf = much less rage = less avatar casts from anger management (they reduced cooldown of shield wall but not avatar) + less revenge/execute casts = further dps loss + less passive damage amplification&reduction from avatar
Disgusting nerf again. Not only to prot’s damage output but also to its survivability.
20%〜 ignore pain buff can compensate nothing.
Hopefully there would be further adjustments or we really should feed those dumb class designers to Onyxia before hanging her head in SW/Org.
I’ll be mildly hopeful that the PTR shows these changes are going to put Prot Warrior on the bottom tier of tanks in M+ and raiding and they’ll revert or place the nerfs strictly in Thane.
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I tanked heroic Queen as Colossus Prot just fine. Our normal tank took 2 weeks off so I tanked it and other than that fight being a graphic mess for my 6 year old PC we cleared all of the instance just fine with a Colossus tank. Could it have been easier with Thane? Probably but I’ll never know as I enjoy Colossus and intend to stick with it till it’s no longer a choice in game.
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I’ll just drop my sub until they fix it. No need to waste money. I can go play other games in the mean time.
That’s the point, though. Post-nerf farm content with overblown iLvls isn’t relevant to any balance for the specs, since you can do anything you want in there.
It’s pretty bad of Blizzard to nerf the base spec, and then allow Colossus to catch double strays while already being in a bad place overall.
as if we even WERE squishy right? LOL I swear these devs must be smokin.