My suggestion to create fresh TBC servers

There are a few pretty dead classic servers. Pick one and you all go there. There is no bot, no raw gold around. Other people can only bring 2000g if they transfer. That is what you want.

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Most dead servers are populated almost entirely by bots to move things like Lotus with little to no player competition. There are also existing players there who have completed a lot of content that a fresh server could offer (The three lowest pop realms across all servers still have 1-4 guilds worth of active raiders).

Also, a lot of people want TBC servers as an encapsulated entity of classic TBC, like Classic servers were to Vanilla.

It doesn’t solve any of those things.


How does that affect your fresh TBC experience? Too many black lotus?

You mean besides an established raid community and personalities existing, with content already cleared and certain events concluded without a chance for other players experiencing them?

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Wanting a fresh characters is about the community starting fresh, not the individual characters.

You don’t get a fresh experience if all the people transferring there are doing so without fresh characters.


LoL, who cleared any TBC contents? What prevents you experience anything? You crying about like 100 people on the dead server being lvl 60 without buying a boost?


We have a thread going here:

Over 400+ posts and counting. Join us :>

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… You really don’t care about how those people feel about their community being invaded?

Your suggestion might solve people levelling but that’s it. It’s a selfish and plainly unsatisfactory solution for everyone involved. Have you been on a server like Felstriker? People play there for the tight knight community and the people they know. Sending a thousand new bodies in there to flood their guilds, break their established economy, and change the social environment of their realm, is ridiculously selfish.


There’s also something fundamentally ironic here.

OP supports the following:

A large amount of players transferring to a realm, that already exists, to experience a fresh TBC.

OP is against the following:

A large amount of players transferring to a realm, created by Blizzard, to experience a fresh TBC.

Like seriously, they are fundamentally close, it’s unclear why OP thinks the latter is such a horrible idea.

Blizzard is already opening new servers, all they have to do is add one that they designate as fresh for TBC. It doesn’t seem like the most difficult or complicated thing to do.

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I think most people would want the fresh TBC server(s) to not allow transfers.

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I was just trying to point out the flawed logic of the OP.


i think we can all agree, the question remains: when next fresh?

Yes, no boosts, no transfers.

Naturally over time those would have to be allowed, but I would wish transfers come with a gold cap.

One of a large reason for me to wish for Fresh is because they let Classic go wild. All of that knowledge ended with a mass of exploits and abuse, new metas encouraged RMT gold buying. It’s… a sad state of affairs.

With the natural BC changes and some of the developer changes, it looks to be maturing in a proper direction. Now if they could just stamp out those damn gold sellers and botters we’d be alright.

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I saw your thread, and honestly, reading through 400 posts just seems too daunting.

I also think there’s power in plastering the page without countless threads asking for it rather than just one. It shows how much widespread desire there is for fresh servers.


I agree!


You really don’t care about how those people feel about their community being invaded?

They don’t have a choice. If people want to roll on that server then they can. I do not and will not every consider what a community thinks about me transferring or rerolling in to it. That’s pretty selfish of them to not want to open their arms to new people wanting to join their community.

I know you revel in being contrarian and love stirring the pot for the sake of seeing it bubble, but one person or a guild moving to a realm is not the same as thousands of people picking up sticks to invalidate an established server. Phase 2 showed what can happen and you really should care more about other people and not just yourself.

I don’t revel or enjoy stirring the pot. If you don’t like my opinion you are free to disagree. I am not a pot stirrer because you disagree with me. I abhor trolling in all its forms. It is a useless waste of time.

Transferring to another server is not selfish. This is probably the most ridiculous argument I have ever seen on the forums. I have no obligation to care about you. I do not know you. As far as I know you could be the zodiac. Yes that is a joke but I am not trolling you. I don’t know you. Why should I base my actions in game with you in mind? You do not pay my multiple subscriptions.

Thalnos has 0 raiders and therefore is not on, Sul’Thraze has 0 raiders and therefore is not on (Sul’Thraze was only used for easy PVP ranking and that has mostly stopped. Nobody else played there.). Rolling on one of these servers is an option. I just went and did a /who just because why not Sul’Thraze had 28 people total online on both horde and alliance side. Most looked like lotus farmers. Thalnos had 40 people online total horde and alliance side. Most looked like lotus farmers.

These servers are dead. I don’t mean low pop, I mean dead. There is no raiding. There is nothing going on. There is no community.

Yes, as mentioned there are lotus farmers and bots. Bots and gold farmers will be on fresh servers too 110% from the second they open.

Yes, it’s good to request fresh servers from Blizzard, and you should, but if this doesn’t happen then the smart thing is to look for another solution. The only real problem I can see with starting on one of these servers as a fresh movement is how they are PVP servers and some people want PVE.

Or instead of looking into a real option you can just complain on the forums and post angry things at people who are trying to help.

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You really don’t get this, do you. And you and the rest of the people who are against fresh servers aren’t going to understand it until you’re a month into Classic TBC and your guild is somehow getting outpaced by the megatryhard guilds on your server on week 2 because you have no clue how raiding works in TBC. People will be clearing the Eye while your guild struggles to down Gruul, and you’ll be crying about how they should have timegated SSC and that warriors and rogues need a buff in TBC.