My suggestion regarding LFG/RDF for WotLK

And most of us didn’t. Furthermore, if you know and understand what the social environment is now from Classic to TBC, what further change do you imagine is going to occur?

I need conclusive evidence, not speculation. What you have is accusations and speculation with a conclusion based on zero hard evidence. Without solid proof that these third party gold selling sites are directly connected to Blizzard Entertainment, all you have are fallacious arguments and speculation.

This isn’t about white knighting because you can’t prove that you’re right. Your failure to produce any kind of evidence is nobody’s fault but your own. If you have evidence, please present it. The reason I don’t believe you is mainly because if such evidence WERE to come out, it would spell the end of Blizzard. They could even get into legal trouble if they were caught doing this. Shareholders would get super angry and Blizzard would fold. That would be incredibly stupid to do and a very big risk.

You aren’t understanding what I’m saying. Obviously blizzard isn’t running or connected to the gold selling sites. What I’m saying is blizzard is knowingly allowing these sites to operate freely because their bots and boosts pay subs.

If you don’t think every single decision made at blizzard is based of what they think will bring in more money then I can’t help change your mind. But when they add the wow token maybe that will convince you.

It would take a blizzard employee about 1 minute to ban a bot but the cost of their wage plus the loss in subs isn’t worth it. My server has about 8-10 bots in botanica all day every day. Most are 65. They could /who botanica. Then jump into their instance, see the pathing and wall hacking. Issue ban. Literally 1-2 minutes of work. Cycle through every server. Boom you just banned ~100 bots. Do they do this? No and never will.

I find that amusing that you accuse me of having no business sense, someone with several successful businesses.

The reality is that a real player’s subscription is worth way more than a bot’s. There’s a reason Blizzard bans bots. To suggest that Blizzard somehow is willing to let the game degrade because “bots are gold farmers are a huge source of revenue” is grossly misinformed.

Yeah, you are misinformed about how bots work.

Banning 1 singular bot a minute is wholly unproductive and inefficient. You should do some reading about bots and the arm’s race on bots, it’s been written about many times before, entire research projects dedicated to it even.

“it would take about 1 minute to ban a bot” is a juvenile understanding of the botting epidemic that plagues all games.

Yet another simplification of the complex botting issue.

You realize when blizzard bans a bot they don’t refund the sub fee they have paid or their game purchase? So they get to keep that and the money the bot then pays for their next purchase.

Except Blizzard has stated numerous times now that the majority of these subscriptions are paid for with stolen credit cards – meaning Blizzard rarely if ever gets to keep that money.

If you seriously think Blizzard has a financial interest in protecting bots, then you simply have little understanding of how botting actually works. You should read/watch some of the seminars they’ve done on it.

I have seen your posts there is no way someone as immature and trolly as you can have a successful lemonade stand but since it’s the internet yeah I own Apple too. Thinking of grabbing Amazon this weekend.

I’ll consider this desperate last resort at ad hominems to be your concession of your prior points. Glad we got this cleared up for you. Thank you.

I mean you just see blizzard as holy and mighty and can’t accept that they might have some flaws so why waste the time to try and prove a point.

Bots are obvious and easy to manage, blizz refuses to do anything case closed.

Blizzard has many flaws – which I’ve spoken about at length.

The reality of the situation here is you only present your conspiracies and false narratives, which others have also rightfully called out for their lack of evidence. Until you present actual evidence of your claims, people aren’t going to believe you. All you have is speculation and unsubstantiated accusations, based almost entirely off of misinformation about not only bots, but standard basic business practice – all of which, contradicts the real evidence we actually have.

You should not only offer your services to Blizzard, but the thousands of other game companies that struggle to deal with bots. If bots are obvious and easy to manage for you, they will surely pay you the billions that they spend on anti-cheat technology and anti-cheat teams.

Imagine being this much of a blizzard fan boy.
This isn’t obvious ? Characters entering a dungeon only accessible to them by fly hacking, then walking through the dungeon only doable by wall hacking, then walking the exact same route with extreme precision, then if that wasn’t enough the character never logs off for weeks straight.

I mean if that’s not obvious to you I must be some kinda genius. And I would love to see some receipts so see blizzards anti cheat team being billions of dollars.

Do you not remember kick bots, where people set them up wrong and were interrupting instant cast spells, yes you read that instant cast spells. How much video proof was provided and blizzard didn’t ban and people kept titles. But let me guess “fast reaction times”?

Given that these bots stay active for months it’s obvious very little is being done about the stolen cards so blizzard is at the end of the day keeping the money.

More ad hominems – you know these only serve to discredit yourself, right?

You’re resorting to ad hominems because your entire narrative is based solely upon weak speculation and misinformed conspiracies.

The removal of LFD has nothing to do with bots.

Once again, if you think it’s that simple, please offer your services to the gaming industry. They’ll save billions on anti-cheat technology, anti-cheat investigations, and anti-cheat sectors thanks to you, Smirm-Thrall. You will make hundreds of millions of dollars, Smirm-Thrall.

Except they’ve already stated, on multiple occasions, that they do not make money from those subscriptions. If you want to conspire and believe your false narratives, like the AV map changes and dual spec in TBC, you are welcome to do that. It is unfortunately, again, misinformed.

LoL that’s BS, blizzard might end up giving some money back from fraud charges but they are not giving it all back. They’re only giving it back when they actually get actioned to give it back which is always only going to be a small percentage.

Sorry to burst your bubble but blizzard is making money off bots, that’s why they do ban waves instead of actively enforcing. Blizzard gets the cost of the game fee + a few months subs minus whatever percent they are forced to return, profit for blizzard. The bots are around long enough to make enough gold to sell and they just pass the cost onto the buyers.

Do you have any proof at all for these claims or is it just baseless speculation?

Right, so I’m inclined to belive Blizzard CMs and MVPs, who have extensive knowledge about the subject and about Blizzard’s inner workings, over the run-of-the-mill forum conspiracy.

Like I said, you are welcome to conspire about false narratives all you want, but, as seen above, bots do not bring in money for Blizzard, so the idea that LFD was removed to encourage bots for increased revenue is preposterous.

go reread your own post, blizzard is literally

Now if blizzard was actually effective at dealing with bots I’d totally agree that what they’re doing is the right way to go. But what it really seems like is that it’s cheaper to make a forum post than to just hire a few GM’s to actively monitor bots. Something which would also be far more detrimental to bots as they wouldn’t be able to just roll the operating costs of getting banned into the price of gold if they had no gold to sell in the first place.

Did you… did you fail to read the very next line directly after it? Please Ziryus, do your best to keep up.

If you think actively monitoring bots is the solution to botting in the modern era, you are woefully misinformed when it comes to the topic, sorry to say.

I’ve given you the facts, but I can’t force you to read them or believe them. You are welcome to conspire about whatever you please, but it will not be an effective way to get LFD back in the game. It didn’t work with the AV changes or dual spec in TBC, it won’t work now.

The removal of LFD has nothing to do with bots.

It’s obviously not because it’s at the end of the day more profitable to try to automate bot policing, get worse results than active monitoring and just eat the resulting loss of subs.

If the goal was purely to combat botting active monitoring would be the way to go, it is of course more expensive than just doing a ban wave every few months(and would also cost the revenue those bots generate)

If you think the bean counters at blizzard haven’t sat down looked at the revenue bots bring in, how much the current solution costs, how much a more effective solution would cost(including lost revenue from bots) and how many subs they lose with the current situation vs how much more retention they could have then I have a bridge to sell you. Think about it like this at 15$ an hour so a pretty bad pay rate, a single GM would have to save over 160 legitimate subs a month just to break even on his salary, not counting other expenses and lost botting revenue.

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