Flexes in level 3
5 million will play classic.
Maybe for the first month. 500k-1m at the very most once the population stabilizes.
Your calculation assumes that all 5 million people are reactivating their subscriptions like the OP is doing. That’s not the case; a vast quantity of those people are current players who are already paying or have already paid their subs. There’s no new money there.
Your complete lack of patience concerns me, will you actually make to to max level with this attitude, who knows. Everything about Classic is a marathon, You should be preparing yourself for it right now, knowing it will most likely not release until end of August (as is typical when Blizzard says “Releases this Summer”). The possible ~ $150-200 that you would pay between now and its expected release is a drop in the bucket of what they will make for the foreseeable future if they get this right.
We have been waiting literal years for classic, a few more months is nothing.
Doesn’t matter how fast it gets put out their will be mistakes and bugs so sooner the better imo…
Too much early could mean ground breaking bugs . Let them complete the ptr
They need to try and salvage BFA with 8.2. So they have their hands full.
I’m all for Blizz going back to their Soon™ ways. Hopefully Classic comes out with that polish we had gotten so used to.
I don’t mind waiting for a finished product. Still I would really appreciate some info about the game or a little preview here and there.
Take their time with something they announced in 2017 that is a product that has been previously released and made? It’s getting to the point where it’s almost a joke how delayed this is getting.