“My son. The day you were born, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name, Arthas.” - King Terenas
Does additional lore exist regarding that quote? I’ve always wondered what he meant when he said the ‘forest whispered’ because the trees in WoW don’t speak. Who whispered? And, why?
Also, have any abnormal signs like the above occurred for Anduin? Like, when Anduin was born did Elwynn Forest whisper his name? Did a star appear in the sky? Did a rainbow shoot out of his butt? Anything?
Just curious…
Not everything ever said, even in WoW, is literal.
I don’t think Terenas meant that literally, it’s just a poetic way of speaking is all.
It’s a figure of speech, not meant to be taken literally.
shakes head
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…until its needed for additional story content.
Idk but watching the wrath cinemayic gives me goosebumps.
Also dont think he meant that litterally. Probably more of the name came to him and that name was his new born son. Like when a parent plans to call there kid logan but once theyre born theyre like no hes an austin
From what I know, these are words Terenas penned in a letter to Arthas that he sent to Northrend. Terenas got conflicting and troubling reports about the actions of his son that trickled out from the devastation from Stratholm. As for the analogy about the trees, people from fantasy settings tended to find meaning, portent and prophecy in some of the simplest of things. Perhaps when Arthas was born, there was an unusual wind kicking up that day and all the people saw it as an omen. Not literal, and definitely not meant to be taken as such a thing that “happened” or was ever referenced to ever again. Just an analogy that is somewhat common (particularly in fantasy/pre-industrial society settings)
Pretty much means that Arthas was destined to be King because he was
Terenas Menethil only son and heir to the throne.
He should have said "The day you were born, the very forests of Warcraft whispered the name, Arthas.
And you will rule for an entire Warcraft game and Rule Wow until Wraith of lich king last patch and your death will mean Wows slow death and destruction and talking pandas .” - King Terenas
Wrathion can vouch for the rainbow part. 
Oh, wait. Wrathion was retconned out of WoW. Oops. My bad. RIP.
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Retconned out? I just did a BFA quest for him. Yes, BFA island quest.
“My son, on the day you were born the very forests of Lordaeron whispered ‘It’s free real estate.’”
Figure of speech, my man.
I think it was just poetic speaking for “From the beginning, you were meant to do great things.”
It’s a metaphor for saying how important he was going to be to the world.
It was Yogg-Saron.
“Your grandpa abandoned your grandma when she was pregnant, name your kid after him - Arthas, lol” - Yogg-Saron probably
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I’m being dramatic but half of the major story of Mists revolved around him and it’s gone now. He warned us of the Legion and wanted to protect the world from it, and then disappeared. Lol.