My server is "dead" - which to transfer to?

I am a recent rescrubscriber after taking a rather long break, only really playing intensely during WotLK. I am on Bronzebeard as a Horde player. My server is pretty dead. Since I have taken such a long break, I am wondering do people still hangout outside Orgrimmar and duel? Like is that a popular thing? This was something I would do on my main and I would just chat and duel with other players. Do people still do this on other more popular servers? Is there a server you would recommend transferring to? PVP servers are a consideration.

Thanks ^^


I don’t know if this list is still valid

Usually the big ones are Area 52, Moonguard… maybe Illidan

It’s not unheard of but I see much more action outside the new capital or in the PvP area as opposed to Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

stormrage if alliance , area52 if horde.


Stormrage for Alliance Players
Area 52 for Horde Players
Illidan for Mixture

Tichondrius Horde I believe for PVP. Do you RP? (Emerald Dream/Moon Guard) Even if I don’t RP, I found the RP servers have a really good and friendly community.

How’s Ravenholdt doing?

I don’t know how many people hang out in Stormwind/Org like they used to as the new major cities have auction houses that can be used by everyone. There’s not much reason to spend time there these days unless you’re traveling through portals, so you might have better luck in the new zones.

I do remember a fair amount of people dueling inside Valdrakken (capital of the previous expansion) or at least the win/loss announcements.


Alot of people still hangout by the goldshire and orgrimmar frontgate there was at least 30 of us today when I was out there.

-Stormrage Realm.

If you’re east coast (and actually care about server time matching your time zone) Stormrage for alliance and Area52 for horde. That’s where most of us are.

If alliance (mb horde as well), nothing comes close to MG, the server has basically everything:

If you want to play competitively there are active guilds on all 3 competitive aspects of the game, cities are usually full and there are other perks as well, you can find many artists to make some art about your character if you care to do so, or even learn from and make it yourself.

I do world PVP so I play horde to fight alliance meaning I would prefer Stormrage.

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Wow that’s a lot of responses in a short time, haha. Thank you, I think I will be going with Area52.

Thanks a lot guys!

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Worth pointing out a major exception to this is RP realms…Stormwind is always busy on Moon Guard due to RP and the community generally.



I recently rolled a few toons on MG. It’s crazy how busy some of the areas ALWAYS are.
Makes me want to xfer toons.


Look for something “Medium”. If you transfer to High or Full, you will see tons of lag in the capital cities and hate yourself every time you have to go to SW or Org.

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You can join any guild now, so servers don’t matter other than trade chat. Full servers have rolling spam trade chat, so you need to turn it off. I really don’t like full servers.

Would recommend joing a guild on another server first before actually transferring.

You can also go to the guild forums, but that is mainly riading guilds. If you just want a casual guild, there are plently.

You could also make a toon on a realm and then ask in general for a casual guild to invite your main (Name-Server).

I assume you know that all servers are both PVE/PVP based on a toggle for Warmode. Depending on what you choose, you will see different players. They are separate.

ED is unfortunately dead these days as the warmode update kinda killed it.

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