My PvE gear is scaling to higher ilvl than honor gear

I am confused. If my gear is scaling to 511 in BG’s, should I not be bothering with buying honor gear at all? It’s lower pvp ilvl than this random pve gear. I cant figure out how to post a screnshot

Blitz scales gear up to 511, but that should be all gear over like 430 ilvl. Including last season PvP gear.

And Blitz is the only mode with scaling. Anything with a PvP ilvl over 511 retains its value in Blitz and all other modes.

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ok so the only benefit of honor gear is vers?

To be clear it’s only doing this in blitz right, not BGs?

Honor gear scales to 515 in pvp. It is 4 ilvl higher than bg blitz scaling, so you get more stamina/int and higher combined secondary stats.

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mix 3 tier sets and use pve trinkeys for most fun