I were Human Female and turned Blood Elf Female with change name.
and here it simply pulled up the profile of when I was a female troll about 5 months ago.
I’ve already changed my password, cleared the cache, BR support has already cleared the cache and I’m still bugged as a female troll…
and even the profile appears as a troll…
what to do???
My character got some random pink tabard - like some random guild design I had never seen. So I took off my tabard until the Armory updated without one, but now I can’t get my tabard to show again on Armory.
It was real random, like it was a tabard I have never ever seen nor created for any of my toons.
Some random stuff happening with Armory. It’s only on the characters I play. The ones I haven’t touched in a while are all good.
Update: 18 Apr 23 - finally been updated
i have a similar Problem aswell, except my Character doesn’t even Show up all the other charcters on my account show up and can be slected for my avatar Except for my Ret paladin
I’ve Cleared my cache used a different Browser, changed my password, Played on the charcters for more than 1 Hour (3 Hours in Ulduar).