Yet another one of these threads, I know, but this time I would like to throw my own twist on it by sharing my predictions and what led me to believe the things I do.
Just a couple of disclaimers real quick.
First: I know that technically the summer solstice starts on Fri June 21, but for the sake of my argument I am going to consider the start of Summer June 1st because I believe “get ready for a Classic summer” is talking about summer as in summer break/ beginning of June.
Second: I will have no problem admitting that I am wrong as these predictions I’m about to throw out are bordering on the lines of wishful thinking (also tin foil hat) and I totally understand and respect those of you who believe it will be later on such as July or even August and to be honest, that is starting to sound more and more realistic the closer we get to Summer.
However, and bare with me here, I believe we will see Classic wow release on either the first, second, or third week of June and on the Tuesday of that week. My reasons for believing this are as follows:
Going to get the most cliche reason out of the way first. I believe that the blue who told us to get ready for a Classic summer is implying that we’ll be playing for at least the majority of Summer.“Okay Noxas, but we can still play the majority of Summer without it being released in the first three weeks in June. I mean, those first three weeks really aren’t even part of summer.” And to that I would say yes that is absolutely right!.. Starting from June 21 there are 92 days of Summer which means that not even including the first three weeks in June, we will have 46 days to potentially play Classic for it to still be considered the majority of summer. That takes us into early-mid August. "So why so fixated on the first three weeks in June?
- This is because we found out back on 04/20 that the Devs were in their internal alpha phase. I don’t know enough about behind the scenes game development to know for sure whether or not that was the start of their alpha or that just happened to be the first one they put on the cdn and we just so happened to catch it as a result. Regardless let’s assume that when they put their alpha build on the cdn, that was the beginning for their alpha testing. it’s been over two weeks (about 16 days) since then and I can’t see that lasting very much longer. This leads me to my next point. What happens after their internal alpha ends?
- I believe that if we get a beta, it won’t last very long if at all. The only reason I can see us getting a beta, as many regulars on these forums have already said, it will be to stress test the servers. If that is the case I can’t see beta lasting more than two weeks if that.
So where am I going with all of this? Well the other day I read somewhere on these forums that an authentic release date announcement from Bliz can be as short as twenty days before the release of the game. I started to think about that with all of the other things I have posted above and it got me wondering… With all things above considered; Getting closer to summer, internal alpha on the cdn on 04/20, a more than likely short beta period if any at all, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to believe that Classic could launch during one of the first three weeks in June.
Let’s assume they release it on Tuesday June 4th, the first week in June. Going off of the twenty day timeframe for an authentic Bliz release date announcement, that would mean we would be seeing a release announcment as soon as monday May 13.
That’s still pretty early and in a week we’ll know for sure, but for now lets keep going and say it was released in the second week of June on Tuesday the 11th. That would make the announcement somewhere around Tuesday May 24th. Third week in june release would make the announcement be around Tuesday the 28th of May.
One more bonus tinfoil hat, what-if scenerio:
What if the Bliz Gods decide to bless us with a June 1st release? That would mean in order to stay true to an authentic Bliz release announcment, they would have to announce it this coming friday. o.O (we’ll see soon enough!!!) That’s about all I’ve got.
I want to thank anyone who sat through the entirety of my insane rambling. Believe you me, I know how silly this all sounds, and I know it’s most likely not going to go down like this, but part of me in the back of my mind wants to believe this is true. We’ll find out here pretty soon just how far off I really am. In any case I wont be getting my hopes up either way. I am just happy that we’re getting Classic at all. And it’s getting closer… And closerrrr!!!
Feel free to leave a comment and let me know how crazy this all sounds. Does anyone else have a prediction they would like to share? Who cares if you end up being wrong (we know I probably will be) =P
TLDR: My prediction for Classic WoW release date announcement will be the last three weeks of May
My prediction for Classic WoW release will be on the Tuesday of either the First, Second, or Third week in June.
BONUS tin foil hat prediction… The Bliz Gods bless us with a June 1st Classic WoW release and announce it this coming Friday.