My Pet Toolbar keeps moving to the top left of the screen

I do not have, and have never used WoW Mods, so none of that would be the issue.

I have recently returned 2 days ago after 16 years, clean install (nothing Blizzard has ever been installed on this computer).

I have a saved UI profile (Esc, Edit Mode, HUD Edit Mode). I only wanted the pet bar down by the default user bars.

Whether i have it free floating or ‘attached’ to the user toolbars with my abilities, it jumps up to the top left. When I open Hud Edit Mode, it moves back to where its supposed to be instantly).

-Ive logged out and back in (all the way)
-Ive tried saving to new loadouts.
-Ive tried default and saving a new loadout.

Any help on keeping this damn thing where the HUD Edit Mode has it?

Looks like this might be a possible resolution for you:

But read the last post for precautions before deleting anything.

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I read that, which is why I called out specifically that I have never used any Mods.

That article, as I understand it, is a hard delete to remove lingering effects from the user who used to use ELvUI, which isnt my case.

As a user of ElvUI, it is not. Those files do not exist in ElvUI folders.

They also use .txt and .old extensions, ElvUI uses .lua.

You are welcome to click the pencil icon next to your thread title at the top of the page and move it to the UI and Macro forum if you would like a more-curated assistance, as well.

I decided to try anyways, despite meaning ill have to re do the UI.

Seemed to work for a dungeon or two, but then it popped back up there.

I would also like to move it to the UI and Macro, but I only see “Guides”, which I dont want guides, im just fishing for tech support regarding why this happens. Am I missing something?

Nope! Not in the slightest. While it is a subforum of the Guides group, it houses knowledgeable people that could point you in the direction you need faster than a hopeful thread in a Support forum that does admittedly have some regularly-posting employees. It also has a player presence around the clock, where employees are only present during business hours.

Customer Support, however, does not always have the answer to anything that you might have a problem with in-game. Their jurisdiction resides mainly over account- and billing-related situations. Technical Support is tailored more towards internet- and operating system- or hardware-related stuff.

You might get lucky here in the Support category, but it’s an equal chance that you might not.

Just as a last-ditch effort, are you running the game in administrator mode?

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When you click the pencil icon to edit the post you are given a search box when you click the dropdown that allows you to move post to new category.

Just type in UI in that search box and it will show Guides - UI and Macro subforum. Choose that and the post will be moved.

I dont think so on the administrator (I dont remember if I had user accounts, i think the only windows profile is an administrator) but I am launching from the desktop application I installed, so I will see if that works (using the shortcut and launching as admin). Thanks for the advice, sounds like my only options are to try the UI guides folks, or install a mod. Appreciate the fast responses. Cheers!

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My only suggestion would be resetting your cvars. Maybe theres some buggy cvar stored on the server from forever ago that was resynchronized when you installed the game. Kind of a last ditch throw though, not sure what the actual problem could be, but thats the only thing I can think of that would perist through a fresh install.
/console cvar_default
