My people suffer and the Corpse Emperor, the anathema, sits upon his golden blizzard throne and laughs. Be they of Nurgle, Tzeentch, my own precious creatures, or even the odd summoning devotees of Khorne, the corpse emperor (Blizzard) fights against us on all sides.
Issue 1: Vile Fiend . Char Hound, Gloom Hound - The have an enormous cast time, then an animation to set themselves in leap range, and after 3-6 seconds, they leap and can miss their attack if the target moves. Their followup damage hits for 30k, 60k, sometimes 100k every 1 second, but every 2-4 seconds if the target moves.
Recommendation 1: Fire the Warlock Dev team for failing to address this issue since Alpha, Beta and the first 6 weeks of the season
Recommendation 2: Make the fiends hounds all the same, instant leap with an aoe effect to ensure a target is hit. Have them gap close like BM hunter. We all know its the same class only with differing flavors… why punish one and reward the other. BM Hunter doesn’t have a manditory cast time while standing still, but Demo warlock, the bottom of the list for dps in every game mode, excluded from mythics and raids because of their inability to ramp up fast enough to handle trash, is destroyed by Blizzard. Destroyed, that’s 7% of the player base.
Issue 2: we’re still waiting on that one after thousands of posts on forums from nearly every warlock player.
Recommendation 1: Fix that one first and then we can talk.