I rocked in the previous release on my pally but right now I’m having a really hard time of it. I’m doing so much better on my hunter in delves and stuff. It’s like my pally has a death wish and takes dmg for no reason. I’ve been healing myself like never before. Doesn’t matter if I’m Ret or Prot, both specs are tissue paper.
Yeah paladin sucks overall right now.
they’re getting a rework soon (again).
Yeah my Pally is sitting at 73 because I just lost interest. Their Hero Talents are kinda boring IMHO. Not that Shaman is too much better in the interesting hero talent dept.
every other patch we get reworked. 3 rebuilds per expansion.
I enjoy mine
Don’t worry someone is going to complain about Holy DPS and they will baseline nerf Crusader strike.
In all seriousness, Paladin usually is a good starter. They shine when gear is low but when gear starts catching up other classes outshine them.
Paladins are a support class. You should probably play with someone who can deal damage and or tank so you can support them.
Hope that helps!
Yeah they shafted paladin really badly this expansion, I’m barely able to handle delves by myself, even when kiting mobs. They seriously need to implement some tuning at this point, its not cool that a lot of other classes are able to steam roll it easily, while paladins and a few others are struggling hard.
I’ve definitely felt that. In high level delves I’ve basically only been able to complete by waiting out my bubble and always immuning a lot of the damage.
My druid is about 10 ilv lower yet feels a fair bit tankier. I know paladin is getting a class tree rework and some buffs coming in November, but when things change so drastically week to week that does feel like a bit away.
I’m soloing bountiful 8 delves without issue. Looking at your profile, I think you just need to gear up a bit my man.
Also, you need to be smart in delves. Use LoS, kite, interrupt, stun, use consumables including healing pots, use Brann’s abilities, pull groups strategically, and use all your defensives intelligently.
If you think you can just stand there and tank as a Ret, without using defensives and consumables - it’s a skill issue.
If I continued after the five-death thing, I could probably complete them. Do you lose loot by dying more than five times? because sometimes pally just dies it seems like.
The only one I’ve completed with only one death was the mushroom one. (Boss got me once) And that is basically just a dodging game, that luckily ffxiv has fully prepared me for.
It does not matter if you suck, as long as you look good doing it my friend.
I have a bit of doubt with that personally, but I do agree that as long as you play it slow and smart their doable solo, I’m gonna try in a group though for my next one given it was a lot of work for me to solo mine XD.
Yeah, cranking up the difficulty in delves last night on my ret pally I did suddenly start feeling the struggle. But I figured that was kind of the point, right? I mean they’re higher difficulty. I don’t have good gear yet.
Mechanically I still love ret. I think their tree is fantastic. The class tree though, yeah that needs some work. I’m glad it’s getting some attention.
My biggest gripe at the moment is that I find both ret hero trees really lame and uninteresting. Both are primarily based on using wake of ashes. I hate that. I love wake, but now rather than it just being a big face smasher I can use freely, I have to also consider if I can make good use of the hero functions that follows. But those functions themselves are infrequent and don’t stand out visually. I started playing a mountain thane the other day and the contrast is huge. Their hero function is constant and obvious. And just more fun!
Skill issue.
title made me laugh
It’s weird because Paladins got a rework mid-DF and suddenly, rets everywhere.
What happened?
I’ve had the opposite experience with a paladin and a hunter in delves. Is it possible that you’re kiting more on your hunter?
Sorry, what do you doubt friend?
And nothing wrong with asking for help from others.