My MOG is still great

Unchanged since Cata, when I won Emerald Dream’s massive MOG competition. It still look fantastic.

I went to the barber shop to check out the additional customization options - nothing that would improve on my current set-up.

I was clearly years ahead of my time.

The rabble may fawn over me. I hope others don’t embarrass themselves by showcasing their horrible fashion choices and/or direct upset envy at me.

So you admit you’re washed up reliving your 15 minutes of fame from years ago?

Mine is better… Nobody has boots like mine :blush:


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OMG Zenal… that’s hilarious.

Yeah, I got some weirdo fan that named his toon after me. It’s disturbing that he’s tainting the Charax brand like that. I may need to join one of Asmond’s competitions to rectify this.

check mine out, got a chainsaw now

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Ha ha… nice! Definitely a fan of the look. Too bad the apron is so clean. Like the character customization you added.

White tabard is played out now.
My mog is the best. No one contests.

0/10 mog low poly count, but check out my new look :eyes: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

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Looking good, Mort. You’re all beautiful and well mogged… just not at the same level as me, but I am an unfair standard.

More like a level above you, ya scrub.