My mini hp bar is missing

So, you know how we now have the option to have a secondary health bar that shows up beneath our character on-screen?
Mine is missing. BUT, only on my druid. I have toggled every setting on and off. I have tried doing all that with every addon turned off, but no matter what, it won’t show up.
Not in or out of combat.

It is super usefull, expecially in Feral spec, so that I can keep track of my combo points easier.
But even the option of displying “special resources” on enemy targets, won’t make the bar/resources show up.

Does anybody have any idea how to fix that?

Interface > Names > check Personal Resource Display


Already said that.

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The option of displaying special resources on enemy targets has nothing to do with it, it’s the parent checkbox. Have you tried turning it off and back on again?

Also if you’re using addons they could have something to do with it. I don’t use any UI addons so I wouldn’t be able to help there.

You cant check the second option, without turning on/off the first option. so again, already covered.

Not trying to be mean my dude, but you gotta read before you say things.


Well, fix it yourself then.


Well, don’t get all offended when you flat out did not read what I said, but still felt like you were qualified to give advice.
I need the help, but you can’t help when you don’t listen to the problem or the solutions somebody has already taken to try and fix it.


Bruh, you’re on general discussion not support. People like me is what you get.


Mine goes away sometimes until I get into combat.

Edit: missed the combat part you said. The base UI does weird stuff sometimes, I’ve found.

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Op, I did not know that was an option in game. I use an addon to show my health/mana and the enemies around my character. Good to know in case my addon ever stops working.

I wish I could help you but I can’t I can however say good luck and I hope you get it fixed.

Kitten… stop being a Karen.


Can I speak to your manager?

(just cause you learned a buzzword doesn’t mean it applies to everything :joy:)

Yeah, it is super strange for it to only be on the one character. My Rogues shows up, which is nice. Just not my Druid. Wonder if maybe its just something with Feral?
I just thought more people would see this here, and might have a solution before I go and wait 2 weeks on the support forums lol.

It happens with my rogue sometimes too. I haven’t noticed it on any other character. It disappears for a while and will show back up randomly. Makes me think it’s either a problem with combo points or the stealth mechanic since it’s happening on your feral druid as well.

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In that case, I might open up a bug report or a support post.
Is anybody else having a similar problem?

I just logged on to check.

Seems to only be an issue on my rogue. My other characters all show it.

Edit: I’ll go ahead and submit a bug report. Even disabled combo point/resource tracker.

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I wonder if it’s related to the combo points disappearing bug whenever you get in and out of a vehicle.

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I honestly would not know. I have not seen anything like that happen. For me, it is just completely gone. Either way, I moved/made this post on the Bug Report forums, so we should all move it there.

Run a CVAR reset command /console cvar_default. Also, the nameplate will sometimes fail to show up if you are marked with a raid icon (i don’t know why this bug happens, it just does). Keep in mind to have all addons off when you do this, and it will reset every setting, but sometimes it’s the only reasonable option.

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Imagine being toxic when somebody gives you the answer.

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Imagine coming into a forum, not reading the post, then trying to offer advice that was already tried, then getting upset when somebody points it out.
Then imagine only reading one comment, calling the person toxic, without actually reading the posts involved, and greatly misinterpreting all of what you did read, then still having the gall to post…Get out unless you have a genuine bit of advice to add.