My main worry is we'll never get small things again

I made a post I expected no one to answer and came back from a meeting to 75 responses. I can’t answer them all, but heres some clarification on what I’m talking about:

They have added new customization, but I have three major issues

  • Why some things get added and not others needs more communication. Orcs got a posture change but not Worgen? How come? Why can’t we just add that to other hunched races? If the Forsaken are “rotting” ok fine, but the Wolves?
  • The shoulder transmog is cool and I’m sure it required a lot of coding work but if you didn’t want that it’s a ton of labor for nothing.
  • Some races in the last customization got almost nothing, and some was inconsistent. For example, the Female Draenei tail options were good. The males - 2 options? What happened here? Again I guess this is a communication issue.

For me, the small things are small because “we have bigger issues” but for someone like me who’d like to PVP and who does collect, I have other needs. I want more caster frames on the races. High elves and trolls seem the most wizardly. Otherwise, you’re screwed. The team seems to favor “big” and “melee.”

I also think we need more caster specs. Not classes, per se, for me, I’m making a tank for my guild because the willingness of tank classes to tank is low. I don’t mind, but I hate melee DPS. I wish more tanks (like, two more) had a ranged spec. Give one to Monk who needs help, and another to DH - frankly I think DH and Warlock should just be merged but that’s beyond the scope of this thread).

Body types should be added to the races. I want a few shapes for at least the Core races. And I think this is something no one talks about enough:

  • If the Draenei didn’t look like refrigerators
  • If the Worgen has a spine
  • If the gnomes had a leper gnome option
  • If the dwarfs could option the Frostborn model
  • If the Pandaren had anything closer to a more fit model
  • Night elves could have normal-sized hands maybe

Mind you I left the Horde out there but you could easily do comparable things with them, though, the Horde seem to get those options. E.g. Orcs can stand upright, zTrolls are an upright troll option.

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Doesn’t seem like they have the chops to pull this off. Shame too, especially considering how long they took on 9.1.

Yes we are and this is from the Q&A recap .

Will there be more character customizations in Shadowlands?

  • No more character customizations in Shadowlands.

What other customizations are people talking about , transmogs ?

There will always be transmogs each expansions.

Player power customizations that don’t lock us into playing how the devs think we should play ,instead of letting us enjoy playing the fun stuff they give us the way we want to as individuals ?

ehh I feel like its kind of unfair to say that when you look at the broad picture for instance yes we got customization but lots of races got very little and it was at the cost of a new class or an entirely new race which makes what we got seem pretty slim. For another example xmog yes most of the stuff looks cool but think of it like this we got a set for covenant and a set for raid and pvp with a whole lot of simple reskins. When you compare that to the old days of everyclass had its own set it looks a little slim as well.

If you care about it it’s content to you.

As a collector all things to be collected are my content.

What bloat ?

If you look at the systems they have put in since legion to fight button bloat such as the Artifact weapons , Azerite gear /essences and the covenants /soulbinds / conduits.

Those are all pretty much 99% passives that have no effect on whether or not we have too many buttons .

If they want to avoid button bloat that way then why not give us new talents that are just passives we can pick and choose and keep as well after an expansion is over .

This is 100% Blizzard’s own fault for having an addiction to keep designing systems which they know they’ll have trouble fixing when it affects the game.

And it will always affect the game. See the first week nerf on the corruption Twilight Devastation. If they needed one week of REAL TIME production to find an obvious issue, their quality is very bad.

Oh god the green text blizzard shill is back.