My main reasons for disliking balance druids right now

I feel like there is too much ‘ramp time’ before I can start to do damage. I want to spend more time casting wrath and starfire, and less time applying or reapplying moonfire and sunfire at the start of every combat. a simple solution would be for damaging abilities like wrath and starfire to have a chance to apply moonfire while we in a lunar eclipse and sunfire while in a solar eclipse.

it is desired to be able to cast wrath while moving

it is desired to be able to cast Rejuvenation without being shifted out of moonkin form (it feels very clunky to use otherwise right now)

the little fae dragons you can summon should do more damage on their own (even if that means our own damage isn’t buffed anymore while they are active) or perhaps they could act like treants and help cast moonfire and sunfire on targets for you?

I want an ability that lets me cast an entire ring of mushrooms, not just a single mushroom. if enemies touch a mushroom in the ring, the mushroom will explode and deal damage and poison and slow them.

I love the idea of calling down big moon but I hate the ability that rotates between 3 phases. just give me a single button I can press that when I press it will call down a big moon and deal big damage (with a 45 sec cooldown or something) and don’t tie it to astral power generation, instead just give my base abilities like wrath and starfire more inherent generation.

I really hate that the only way to get to the talents in the left hand side of my class tree (oakskin & well-honed instincts) is to be forced to invest 2 points into instincts of the claw. I would really love it if we could just swap the position of instincts of the claw & the choice node (incapacitating roar / mighty bash)

and lastly, I would love a glyph that allows us to maintain our humanoid appearance at all times (disabled in pvp). glyph of stars is nice but sometimes I just want to be able to see my gear in combat.