My Main Complaints About FFXIV

I, unfortunately, dislike many things about FFXIV.

The story is my main complaint. It is Way. Too. Long. I’m still not finished with it, and I’m not even halfway through. I’ve been playing for over a month. (to be fair I quit several times due to boredom.) It is a pretty good story, though. Better than most MMORPGs I’ve played. I just wish they presented it in a much better way.

The combat feels slow and even at a higher level it just doesn’t feel fun or satisfying like it does in World of Warcraft. It feels empty. My abilities don’t feel like they have impact and there’s too many buttons and ugly overly-flashy abilities which creates bloat, and I don’t feel attached to my class as every class’s abilities look the same to me.

The UI is really bad. It’s pretty functional and moderately easy to use, but it looks very very outdated.

The graphics are way worse than WoW (excluding the amazing detail in characters and armor) It lacks any sort of identity and is very basic. The colors are also ridiculously washed out, and I had to install a graphics addon to add some sort of color to the game.

The PvP is abysmal and almost no one does it. That’s about it for that part.

I haven’t tried raiding so I have no opinions on that. It might be good, who knows. I think it’s supposedly good.

That’s about it.

I want to make sure you understand that I’m not saying FFXIV is worse than WoW, especially in it’s current state. I just wanted to share my negative opinions about it and hear other people’s opinions as well. Sorry if I sounded rude during any of this, I promise you I’m not trying to be.

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Kind of the wrong place for that review don’t you think?


Games dead man

FFXIV is one of the best games I’ve ever played.


I don’t know, I figured it was a popular conversation topic lately.

Haven’t played FFXIV much at all but if you think WoW’s story is good…


Your post sounds like a desperate attempt to stop the flow of Wow refugees going to FFXIV…

Your friends list is that empty, huh?


Yeah I agree with you OP. The only thing I found fun was making money off the AH. Made myself a nice fortune. Maybe one day I’ll buy a house. I heard housing was the real PvP in that game.


listen i am not trying to be rude but shouldn’t you post this on FF14 forums?


question: all of this ffxiv threads are being posted on their forums or just post them here to create flamebaits?

I feel like that would be suicidal.

so you’re saying that you can’t have a different opinion on the “nicest community” out there?

yeah I think I will go ahead and call this a bait thread and even I don’t even play that weeb game.

You rather watch a Weeb movie than play a Weeb game.

But many people hates Weeb game and movies.

If that Weeb game is on WoW, it’s like 10 min would be wasted on cinematic making Plaguefall a 45 min to 1 hour game. And I have to run it 25 times to reach KSM. Must be irritating.

As if the script is good, instead it’s awful and predictable. It’s always like the Boss always shouts “I am immortal. You puny guys are no match to me!!!”. LOL.

Disclaimer: I could make a similar list about things I like about FFXIV. I’m just echoing the topic of the thread here is all.


  1. Slow Combat & “Delay”. Yes, it gets better toward max level, and some classes are better about it than others, but even with a fast class and oGCDs, WoW combat is noticeably faster. It’s a big change and while I can put up with it, it’s not a good thing. On a related note since it’s all part of combat: The way damage is calculated at the end of a cast, but the whole animation takes well beyond the end of the cast time and the void zones disappear with the animation, not the cast, makes it constantly “feel” like lag, despite not actually being lag. It’s just a weird system. You get used to it, but it feels like a mismatch that doesn’t need to exist.

  2. Overly Deterministic Gearing. FFXIV has the opposite of WoW’s problem (in that it relies too much on RNG). A happy medium would be the best, and that’s not what either game offers. In FFXIV, dungeons don’t drop meaningful gear, they drop trash + currency to get meaningful gear. 8-man raids don’t drop gear, they drop currency tokens to accumulate and turn in for gear. And the stuff that does drop gear is outclassed by the currency gear anyway, unless you’re doing the very top content. For me, it turns the game into more of a chore checklist than anything else, even compared to modern WoW. I know exactly what I’m going to be wearing and when from day 1, so I have to go down the list and make sure I get the currencies to not fall behind that schedule.

  3. Housing Acquisition. It currently functions via an RNG timer when a plot opens. It’s the same timer for everyone, but we can’t see it, and it’s up to 48 hours long IIRC. That in combination with unnecessarily limited Housing Plots results in clusters of people spamming a message board all day, hoping THEY happen to be the one that hits it right after the invisible timer is up. This mechanic encourages keyboard macros / automation, and in fact it’s VERY common to see several people at any given plot with their heads bobbing incessantly, clearly automated. And I don’t blame them for it. It’s a bad system. I had to do the same thing to compete to get mine (although I didn’t do it while not at least at my computer).

  4. The Dialogue to Gameplay ratio in questing (both leveling and patch content). It’s bad. Like, really bad. I understand that it’s a lot more story-focused than WoW. I consider that to be a good thing in general. But FFXIV constantly forgets to actually let you play a game. Patch Cycles are especially bad about it because it becomes very predictable. It’s like 85% running around reading dialogue until you hit [solo scenario], then you walk around more until you hit [patch dungeon], walk around more until you hit [patch trial], Done. Which would be fine if the questing between those things was more than “Read Dialogue”. But they VERY rarely are. Please keep in mind I say this as someone who actually likes the FFXIV story. I can still say it gets the balance wrong without “not caring about story” or whatever.

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My complaint is that I can’t actually manage to make an account or buy the game.

they are probably losing millions because of their sht website.

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No matter what the game is, i always have so much fun playing the auction house, i dont know why i have so much fun with Auction houses!

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FFXIV isn’t about rushing to endgame and unlocking endgame like WoW is, the story IS the content of FF14.

Combat gets better at later levels, even faster then wow.

Graphics are actually way better compared to wow’s graphics that are literally cartoony and characters cant make any emotional faces. They can there. It’s unique and I love it.

They aren’t trying to figure out the mess that is PVP, there’s no way to balance it so they focus on pve.

Raiding is amazing and even better on ff14 because its limited to 8 people so EVERYONE has a responsibility. There’s many dps enrages if you don’t meet it too. it’s hard to get carried in savage/extreme content and if you die, group wipes.


My main complaints are - trying to figure out how to get the dang game downloaded and being able to login. Good grief what a joke.
Second complaint is I cannot create a character yet servers full. Guess I’ll wait a few days.

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It took me 2 weeks to figure out how to play the AH there, but after nearly 8 years of WoW I can’t figure it out.

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heres a better place for this topic.

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