My mage's spellslinger talent is bricked

Signature spell and Shifting shards choice node is Red and shows not activated and yet it allows me to “activate” the entire hero talent tree like normal…

I’ve swap spec, hero talent, reloaded, restarted my game…
My choice node is bricked :frowning:


Same thing here.

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Same here. No amount of changing it or Magi’s Spark on and off seems to fix it.

Samesies :frowning:

same here.

Seems like it might just be a visual bug. At least Shifting Shards still makes Shifting Power fire off the 8 Splinters.

Sure? I’m siming nearly 200k lower than I was last week.

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Signature Spell seems to give a target dummy 6 Splinter stacks, at least.

Same here! i seached every where to find a solution. I uf guys finds out please lemme know. It’l red on frost spellsliger and Arcane too.
And it affects the dps like bro sayid !

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Literally was just noticing this this morning and my dps was affected by it also… Hope this is fixed soon </3

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Same happening to me.

The consensus on the mage discord is that it’s purely visual…but my dps does feel worse. idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edit: Actually now I’m reading conflicting info. :confused:

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I’m having the same issue

I am also seeing this on Signature Spell, despite having Magj’s Spark enabled.

Same thing here. Does anyone know if Blizzard has even acknowledged this?

Still bugged. It got bugged after trying the Arcane spec. Not it says on frost that it need an Arcane talent … lol ?! Blizzard, please take a look and fix this.

I’m using SimulationCraft and it changes the DPS when switching the talent, but I guess it’s only reading the talent name from the tree when calculating.

On training dummies, the rotation is too random to be able to see if it changes. The best thing would be an official fix.

here to bump this post

same here :frowning: big sad

same. like I’m guessing at this point it’s on purpose. Feeling a bit robbed, seeing how the tree is a talent short.

Bump, this is somehow still not fixed.