My Kul Tiran thoughts

I don’t want this to turn into a huge thread or anything, but my initial impressions of Kul Tiran were “Awww, they’re adorable” and I still sort of feel that way. But after making one and playing one, I’m kind of getting bored of looking at her huge blocky back and butt. Kul Tiran women have zero shape and it’s annoying me. lol…

Also… the coloring on darker skin is weird. On my human right now, the color looks right. And kudos to them for making a darker skin color than the one that I have now for Kul Tiran, but the shading looks weird and fake. There should be more highlights.

Also, need more facial options. Not sure what the Kul Tirans have been up to, but no way should they look so brutal as if they’ve been living in a women’s maximum security prison for a century.

Their hairstyles are cute. But almost seem like wigs for their face, it just doesn’t look right.

My two cents. I still think they’re cute, but… maybe just not as cute as I thought.


I got punched 20 yards landing in a stun.

Good times.

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The thing that bugs me the most are the male’s bowed legs. If they were a bit straighter, it would be 100 times better.

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I think the darker skin tones look awesome can you show me a visual on what you find so off-putting?

They can wind it up in stealth too i’m pretty sure.

Would love to see Kul’tiran rogues in Arthai or Eye Of The Storm just stealth punch me out of the map.

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I was against them unti I realize I could make one that looks like Samual L Jackson from Django. If he were skinny I would have him transmogged to a suit if possible.

The racials work pretty well with tanking.


Mm yes, a bit later, I’m not in the game right now.

The women in particular have gotten a lot of flak since their reveal, in part because they seem like an afterthought among other things; I certainly, though grudgingly, agree with the former at least. In terms of their implementation as an allied race, from what I’ve seen ‘afterthought’ seems quite apt but I digress.

I too mostly like the look of both genders but I feel the females could’ve had some more work on their shape, especially with the glutes; their butts look like the normal human butts to me, which aside from being out of place makes very little sense to me in relation to rest of them. It’s mainly this that bothers me the most about them visually.

I also really like how both look in heavy armor.


My sad prediction is that after all the ‘new’ wears off, there will eventually be even less Kul Tirans than there are Pandaren.

And on that note, Pandaren are actually sort of just beginning to grow on me (after… how many years is it?) so we need more Pandas in game.

Someone go roll some Pandaren and put more fuzzy into the world.