My ideas for DK (add yours!)

Unholy should have 3 pets to choose from, a ghoul, a abomination and a gargoyle. One is fast but weak melee, one is tank and one is slow but strong caster. If we are a pet class, shouldn’t we have more options besides glyphs?

4th spec called Domination (or something) that allows us to be a plate wearing, melee healer. Using blood magic to deal damage and heal our allies. It’s like disc only…bloodier. There is atleast 2 healers of every armor type except plate, why can’t we dive deeper into the San’Layn fantasy and become healers? We are a hero class after all

Portal runeforge toy. Even if it had an hour CD, I’d still be happy to skip the loading screens and just be able to enchant my weapons where I am

That’s all my ideas at the moment. What are some of your ideas you’d like to see?

Disagree on the healing spec.
We are a DEATH Knight not a LIFE Knight.

But runeforge toy would be fantastic.

Scourgestone hearthstone toy would be nice too for cosmetics.


Why limit it to 3 pets? We should have two buttons for Raise Ghoul. It should be Bind undead, and Bind greater Undead. These should pick the forms for the basic Ghoul and the Dark Transformation look. That way you could better theme it to what DK you are. Imagine binding a normal undead troll or a Skeleton as your basic undead. Then when you hit transformation that Undead Troll turned into one of the undead berserker trolls or an armored skeleton. Bind a generic wraith and have it change into a banshee. So many options out there for cool cosmetics for us.

As for class change ideas, I feel like the person who made San’layn has no idea what that class fantasy is and honestly after looking into it the San’layn don’t really have a lot to do with being a DK. The ICC council fight uses mostly shadow and fire magic so maybe it’d be better as a shadowflame tree. But honestly if something is gonna be shared by Unholy and Blood I think replacing San’layn with something based around a Personal Mourneblade would be more appropriate.

Think of it, Mourneblade Master. First top thing, Get a button to inscribe a piece of your soul into a weapon. Let us take a weapon we have in our inventory and turn it into a permanent floating companion. Make its look based of the weapons look so Transmogging something in our inventory uses the mogged appearance. Not a pet, so no command bar. But a permanent weapon. This feeds into the fantasy of Remornia and Denathrius, along side Blood having temporary dancing rune weapons and Unholy being a Minion Master. Then instead of attaching its final node to Vamp Blood (A defensive CD) and Dark Transformation. Attach it to DRW and DT, which are both used on CD for both specs.

I don’t know what they would do stats or tuning wise. But I feel this is a lot closer to how well Deathbringer and Rider are at fulfilling the Class Fantasy of being a DK.


I love this so much honestly

I suggested San’Layn as a basis of “Here are people that use blood magic”, granted even trolls in Nazmir use blood magic so yea. I mean, not to compared to a different game BUT ESO has necromancer healing, I don’t understand why this is something we havnt touched before? Death Coil prime example, just swap it to say “Expend runic power to healer a targeted ally for X” instead of just undead. The tools are there, they just need tweaking.

Honestly, Denathrius and Revendreth as a whole was full of cool ideas and concepts that need to be reused

All I got is a concept for unholy.

Think it would be nifty for them to give unholy the demonology treatment and have part of the talent tree capstones be about gaining a powerful summon and having additional talents that augment it.

Perhaps in this case it can be about further augmenting dark transformation, make it be the raise abomination button instead of having it replace army of the dead.

Because lets be frank, who will even use army of the dead now over raise abomination? Essentially a dead button which is there to waste a talent point.

ESO and WoW Necromancy schools doesn’t function the same way.

Elder Scrolls Necromancy revolves around “twisting flesh as you desire” while Warcraft Necromancy has traditionally have been unholy magic hurting life and flesh and “twisting dead flesh together”.

Pet choice would be cool, even if only for cosmetic reasons, and a portable runeforge would be so freaking nice!

I’d personally love to see a shift from auto-attack procs for so many of our abilities, especially in frost. Give us more control over our own kit.

If they did add a fourth spec, I don’t think healing should be a blood theme. Blood magic already has a pretty set nasty use in Warcraft, and I can’t recall healing ever being part of it’s spell set. What you could do though, is something based off the fact that one of our Lich Kings was keep alive (or maybe reanimated) by an infusion of red dragon cleansing breath. Give it a fire theming and you may have something.

Would be cool though if a fourth spec called back to our original design idea of a rune knight. No idea what such a spec would do but I’m sure there’s plenty of ideas still to play with in there.

Make Frost a Tank again
Make Unholy by default have 3 pets
Make Blood similar to an Aug Evoker- A DPS utility class but plate and melee.

Just off the top of my head

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I don’t think we’ll get another support spec anytime soon, doesn’t seem like Augment was that popular. Would be a good way to make a callback to the rune carver idea though. DK’s support through our dark magics, drawing runes that grant strength and resilience to our minio I mean party members

I want to be an Unholy Necromancer who can spawn less ghouls (4 or 5) that dont despawn and then 2 other tiers of pets that can be in w/e category. Similar to Demo Warlock without the 27 button combo spaghetti mess to get all the good ones out.

Forgive me I have been playing BG3 and the exploding minions are just too amazing.


Make dks more tanky again
Having an answer for nearly every situation
Oblits damage type is frost not partial damage just full frost
Gcd 1 sec

Honestly we just need a Necromancer class.

City of Villains was an old game (still playable btw) that had an Archetype(Class) Called a Mastermind. It was built around pets. You had different kinds, Soldiers, Zombies, Robots, Thugs, etc.

Anyway as a Necromancer as your primary power set and Dark Miasma as your secondary power set ( you could choose 2) You could have up to 18 pets out at once fighting.

The Mastermind had their own permanent pets as a necro you had 3 zombies, 2 grave knights, and a Lich. Fully controllable on each one. One could be fighting, another could be defending, you could have another one focused on defending you or a hallway or something. You were a 1 man army. You then unlocked an ability called Soul Extraction which took out the souls of your main pets to fight alongside for a short time ( Think Dark Transformation meets Apocalypse) thats 12 pets. Dark Miasma had a “Dark Servant” ( Think Abomination) that acted like another Lich. Then at max level you unlocked the incarnate system which would net you the last 5 pets depending on your build.

Sounds OP I know ( I mean its city of heroes city of villains afterall) But it was balanced around the fact that the Masterminds was super friggan weak without the pets. Your Secondary power set Dark Miasma had various debuffs controls and heals to keep you topped off. You couldn’t solo any raids or anything and in PVP all people had to do was focus you down.

Granted some mad lads out there managed some really nutty stuff.

But it was glorious. It was absolutely insanely fun. And WoW just needs to rip the bandaid off and give us that fantasy already.

(If youre interested in seeing this for yourself you can either look up YT videos or go play the City of Heroes Homecoming server. Its a private server that got officialized by the original publishing company so its super active).

This, 1000%. It could be so easy to swap the spells over into more of a support setup. Marrowrend for example could apply 1 bone shield to all allies nearby. I just think that with Aug evokers and now hero talents, we are treading down a path of class fantasy and utility and I think that DK has alot going for it in terms of switching things up. If they could split OG feral into Guardian and Feral, they could split Blood into Blood and (insert cool name here)

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Talk about turning the DK into Old Yeller.

Just… No

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OH hey i finally got a response from the fabled Kelliste!!! Ive achieved so much!!


Achieved at making one of the worst posts I have ever seen. Lets swap Frost and Blood for some reason, then lets add more pets to a spec that people dont like to play because it has permanent pets, and then lets take away half of the dps specs by making it a support spec.

If Blizzard wants to see the DK forums in an uproar then they should absolutely do what you suggested.


Well Frost was originally the tank . I was saying more so return to roots."

Yes I dont want people playing Unholy, its my spec and I need it now.

I mean Augmentation Evoker is extremely strong BECAUSE of its utility. Raid groups want at least 1 or 2.

Imagine what a melee one could do?

To be fair Frost got a 5% nerf across the board and folks lost their absolute minds.
Death strike was changed and folks lost their absolute minds
Unholy caught a 10% and folks…well they didnt lose their minds because they dont play the spec.

I think blizzard could do literally anything to DKs and folks would lose their minds.

Frost was not originally the tank spec. I dont know where this revisionist history nonsense comes from and I dont know why it keeps being repeated, but DK at the time was designed so any spec COULD tank. That doesnt make the spec THE tank spec. It was an experiment admitted by the devs to see if tank numbers would increase if they allowed any spec to tank or dps or to basically be a multi-role spec. It failed.

And? Doesnt mean that Dk should be that and it definitely doesnt fit the theme of the class which is extremely selfish. I also dont think people really enjoy Aug or even want it in the game.

Welcome to the DK forums where people over react to what amounts to nothing

Yes a 1% nerf will bring out the hysteria from certain loud uninformed people on these forums. You throw those peoples opinions in the garbage where they belong.

But changing the entire class to what everyone hates is just asking for Blizzard to delete the class. Everyone that plays Frost for the DPS would literally quit the class. A lot of Blood players would also quit because they want to tank some might go over to frost to continue tanking, but Blood would lose a good portion of players just because its a support spec.

Just bad suggestions that would hurt the spec rather than help it.

"Frost Presence

1 Frost


1 sec cooldown

Requires Level 57

The death knight takes on the presence of frost, increasing Stamina by 8%, armor contribution from cloth, leather, mail and plate items by 60%, and reducing damage taken by 8%. Increases threat generated. Only one Presence may be active at a time."

Google is a thing. Frost was a tank.

The post says list our IDEAS for DK. These are not definitive. They are ideas. Im thinking making blood utility would be a good thing for the spec. You disagreeing with me isnt gonna change that opinion there.

These are suggestions, these are ideas. These ideas will have no impact on development and if they do you have a right as a consumer to not play the game anymore.

Anything else?

Yes I know what Frost Presence did… that doesnt make the spec a tank spec lol.

Yes google is a thing, and Frost was a dps spec that could tank.

And they are bad ideas.